“Wantyou, Lee,” Tripp moans throatily, and if Leander wasn’t hard before—fuck. His dick blurts precum onto his thigh and Leander blinks down at the mess in surprise, his hand automatically moving to provide some relieving pressure, unfamiliar with having such a strong reaction in a sexual situation.
“Sir,” he corrects Tripp, but his reaction is delayed and he’s almost remiss to issue it for the way ‘Lee’sounds coming out of Tripp’s sinful mouth. Despite his hesitation, he does lift Tripp’s leg to slap him on the ass, hoping that’ll be received as sufficient reproach. Tripp is…somuch more distracting than Leander could have anticipated.
“Sir,”Tripp moans, not missing a beat. “Sir, please, I need your fingers. Please touch me again, ple—” His rambling is cut off by another moan when Leander obliges—since he asked so nicely—pushing two fingers inside again and giving Tripp the pressure he’s asking for.
“You like that, hmm? That’s excellent news, because I have so much more to give you.” Without waiting for a reply, Leander swaps his fingers for the lubed-up vibrator, turning it on and angling the device so that it rests directly against Tripp’s prostate. At this point, Tripp’s cock is rock-hard and looking a little purple, practically begging for someone to touch it. Tripp clearly agrees, rocking his hips and squirming, desperate little noises spilling from his throat.
Pleased by what he’s created, Leander hops down off of the bed and watches for a moment, enjoying Tripp’s writhing and the sounds that are steadily increasing in both volume and need. He readjusts the vibrator’s depth when it slips, and eventually, rounds the bed to where Tripp’s neck is having the roughest time of all.
It’s clear from the tension in Tripp’s strong shoulders that keeping his head up is becoming a strain. He’s frequently letting it drop, which makes Leander’s timing all but perfect. Anticipation thrumming, he shucks his boxers and stands to Tripp’s left, at exactly the right height thanks to the elevated nature of the bed—one of the best design decisions he could’ve made regarding this room.
Reaching out to slide a bracing hand underneath the base of Tripp’s skull, the overstimulated sub can’t help but sigh in relief. He tries to relax into the soothing grasp, but Leander clicks his teeth in reproach. “Oh no, you don’t,” he says, carefully tipping Tripp’s head to the side and using his free hand to grasp his own cock, rubbing the tip across Tripp’s parted lips.
The sight is obscene. It looks almost nonconsensual, with Tripp stretched out and tied down, the blindfold covering his eyes, the way he’s sweating and tensing from the vibrator in his ass. He’s gorgeous, truly a work of art, and Leander is over the moon about every single detail. Not only the aesthetics, butthe way the scene as a whole makes himfeel—body hot and so aroused that he has to work to keep himself in check, in control. It’s way beyond what he’s used to, what heexpectedto feel, but in a truly spectacular manner that he wouldn’t change a bit.
Another dribble of precum leaks from his cock, and this time, Tripp’s tongue is darting out to taste, his mouth opening and neck straining to take Leander in, and who is he to deny such a perfect, desperate request?Except—he can’t.Leander’s so enthralled, he nearly forgets to pause and roll on a condom, remembering at the last possible second. Tripp looks disappointed, but he waits patiently.
As Tripp’s lips finally close around him, Leander releases a hum of satisfaction, allowing himself a long, quiet moment where he closes his eyes and just holds Tripp’s head, relishing the hot, wet heat enveloping him. With one hand grasping Tripp’s jaw, he can feel the muscles there relax, see the saliva drooling from Tripp’s mouth as he cautiously pushes all the way in, past his hard palate and into his throat.
To his credit, Tripp—shaking and clutching at the bedsheets with his fingertips—just breathes and takes it, moving air through his nose and letting Leander do whatever it is he wants.
That produces an incredible rush of power and emotion, and when Leander pulls out and Tripp gasps, he can’t resist crouching down immediately, fisting both hands into Tripp’s hair and kissing him passionately—thorough and deep, even as the man is still catching his breath.
“Perfect,” he mumbles, right into Tripp’s mouth. “You’re perfect.”
“Please,” Tripp rasps, as Leander kisses the corner of his mouth, his jaw, as he nips along his neck and reaches downbetween his legs to adjust the vibrator. Tripp’s body jerks violently beneath his chest when he does, and he cries out.
“Fuck, Sir, please, please,” he begs.
“Soon,” Leander replies, pressing his thumb into the soft flesh of Tripp’s chin and encouraging his mouth open again. He complies, of course, with tears in his eyes and a sob in his throat, and Leander slides back into his mouth, more gently this time. He doesn’t fuck Tripp’s face like he promised, or try to deepthroat him again, he just rocks there for several minutes, alternately reaching down to fix the vibrator and murmuring encouragement for Tripp to swallow or to use his tongue, which he does flawlessly on command.
When he pulls out again, Tripp has had enough, and Leander canseeit this time. He recognizes all of the signs that this scene is nearing the point where it will tip for Tripp. That’s perfect, because he’s ready, too. Supporting Tripp’s neck, Leander removes the blindfold before hitting the quick releases for the restraints at his wrists, pushing him to a sitting position so that he can follow him up onto the bed and release his ankles, too.
Once free, he shoves Tripp down onto his back where he flops like a ragdoll, as glassy-eyed and pliant as Leander can imagine it’s possible to get. It’s an incredible, beautiful thing to see, and Leander soaks up every second of it.
“Gorgeous,” he murmurs, sliding both hands up the tender skin of Tripp’s thighs before pushing them apart to crawl in-between and pull the vibrator, tossing it aside. He elaborates on his praise to buy himself a couple of seconds.
“You are incredible, Tripp. Everything I hoped for and more.”
When Leander pushes inside his body, Tripp groans loudly in abject relief and reaches out to touch, retracting his hand just as quickly, unsure as to whether he’s allowed.
“Go on,” Leander encourages, thrusting shallowly. “Touch whatever you like, you’ve earned it.” To his surprise, Tripp immediately threads both arms around his neck, pulling him down so that his own legs are bent up nearly against his chest. He wants skin-on-skin, wants them to be as close as possible, and Leanderknowshe shouldn’t allow it, but can’t bring himself to deprive this version of Tripp anything.
Instead, he sets about fucking him hard, going fast and deep, making Tripp cry out and dig fingers into his shoulder blades with every thrust. “Please, Sir, please, please, please let me come,please, I—”
“You can come, Tripp,” Leander replies fervently, doing his best to shut Tripp up because it’stoo much,forhim,and oh—Leander realizes far too late that he should have fucked him with the blindfold on, because hiseyes—
He is way too late to stop Tripp from finishing while looking straight up at him, eyes brimming with lust and longing, at least until they squeeze shut with pleasure, and isn’t that some kind of bizarre relief? Still, with Tripp clenching around him and the memory of thedesire,thewant,thetrustin his green eyes, in his expression—Leander groans into Tripp’s shoulder as he spills inside of him, filling the condom and wishing it wasn’t between them.
He steals only a second to catch his breath in the warm, inviting crook of Tripp’s neck before sitting up, very aware that Tripp is sore and will need a significant amount of care and attention before they can collapse tonight. That’s obvious when Leander accidentally leans on his shoulder to sit up, and Tripp winces before blinking up at him, wide-eyed and unsure.
“Sir?” he asks timidly, and he’s very quiet, veryun-Tripp-like, which makes Leander start, despite his exhaustion. “Was that...uh, okay?”
Despite himself and the fact that he knows Tripp is serious, Leander can’t help it—he bursts into laughter. Only for a moment, and then he reins it in. Cupping Tripp’s cheek and leaning down to kiss him softly, he smiles. “I don’t lie to my subs, Tripp,” he says. “When I told you that you were perfect, I meant it.” Tripp still looks unsure, so Leander sighs and takes his chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Do you believe that I would lie to you?” he asks sternly, and Tripp looks surprised.
“No,” he says, after a moment. “Of course not.”
Releasing him, Leander pats the side of his face. If only he could reassure Tripp with the truth, the fact that he’s never had a more satisfying, a morearousingsexual encounter in hislife,but clearly, Tripp would not appreciate that. No, Leander needs to keep those feelings and revelations under wraps, but that doesn’t mean he can’t reassure Tripp as best he’s able.