“Yes,” Tripp croaks, right hand flexing on the mattress, working against all of his instincts to be good, to be still.Poor Tripp, he’s got a long way to go, here.
“If I let you suck my cock, you’ll be my good boy, won’t you? You’ll be still. You’ll raise your hand if you’re in pain and say ‘yellow’ when you’re able?”
“I’ll be good,” Tripp rushes to say. “Please, Sir.”
“Open,” Leander commands and Tripp quickly obliges. “Tongue out.” As soon as it appears, Leander slides his cock along its slick surface, holding the side of Tripp’s head tenderly as he moves maybe a third of his length in and out, letting Tripp taste, letting him adjust. Tripp just moans around whatever he’s given, sucks happily, and lets his jaw go slack when Leander tries to move deeper.
The wet heat of Tripp’s mouth after weeks of only having his hand and his memory translates to sheer, utter bliss, and Leander nearly forgets himself several times. It would be sopainfullyeasy to get lost in Tripp this way, to fuck his face roughly and with abandon, to come hard down his throat—but he resists. Of course, he resists. Safety aside, Leander has designs about how this scene is going to end for him, too.
When he eventually pulls back, Tripp’s face is sloppy—saliva trailing down his cheek and the side of his chin closest to the mattress. His lips are puffy and reddened and he’s wearing a completely dazed expression that makes him look positively drugged.
“Color, Tripp,” Leander says, gently but firmly, and Trippgrins.
“Green,” he replies dreamily, very much himself, and Leander is relieved.
“May I—” he starts and then stops, hesitating. “I’m going to kiss you, because I love you so much and I can feel it spilling over inside of me. It’s not because we’re sceneing, and I just thought—perhaps you should have the opportunity to say no.”
Below him, Tripp blinks a bit of the haze from his eyes, dragging the back of his hand across his wet mouth and shaking his head a little. “Sir—Lee—are you seriously worried that I don’t want to kiss you right now? Or like, are you just trying to mess with me?”
“No,” Leander replies defensively, folding his arms across his chest. “Our scenes are rooted in ongoing enthusiastic consent, and I amaskingwhether you consent to changing the dynamic for one kiss to—”
“Jesus Christ,” Tripp murmurs. “Green, I consent, I love you too. Now kiss me already, so we can fuck. Wait—do scene rules apply? Can I touch you?”
Leander squints and thinks about it for a moment. “The rules do not apply for this one negotiated kiss.”
Tripp just stares up at him, incredulous. “You aresofuckin’ weird. I love you.” He reaches up to tug at Leander’s arm until he’s close enough to yank down by his head, moving to cup Leander’s freshly-shaven jaw with his good hand and drawing him close. Tripp is in control, bringing their mouths together deep and soft.
The way their lips move in sync, the way Tripp is careful in teasing with his tongue—Leander doesn’t mind being judged a little, becausethisis what he wanted. This kiss feels different—it feels likelove. Perhaps he won’t stop a scene to make the distinction in the future, but right now, he’s not even sorry.
“Alright, back to business,” Leander asserts once he pulls away, and Tripp rolls his eyes but makes a sign with his handthat either means ‘proceed’or‘fuck you’, Leander’s not entirely certain. Despite that, he presses on, climbing back up onto the bed and straddling Tripp’s body, reaching behind himself to remove the plug that’s nestled between his cheeks.
“Remember,” he says sternly. “You must remain still.”
To Tripp’s credit, he’s perfect. From the agonizing push of Leander slidingridiculouslyslowly onto his cock, to the teasing way he lifts back up, nearly popping all the way off before dropping down again, Tripp behaves. Spread out on the mattress, he makes these enticing little moans Leander wishes he could swallow, fluttering his eyes open and shut and working the fingers of both hands into the linens.
Even when Leander begins to really move, Tripp stays nearly motionless. They catch each other’s gaze and hold it, Leander circling his hips and Tripp very obviously wishing his hands were on them, though he remains compliant.
It’s intense—this thing between them. Whether it’s love or lust, domination, attraction, or something completely else, Leander’s never felt so drawn to another human being in his entire life. He leans forward, planting his forearms on either side of Tripp’s head for leverage, and continues staring into Tripp’s eyes as he rides him.
“Put your arms above your head,” he instructs, and Tripp complies, Leander lacing his left hand with Tripp’s right once it’s there.
“Sir,” Tripp whimpers.
“You can finish,” Leander assures him, digging a knee into the mattress to pick up the pace while dropping his free hand to stroke his own cock. The change puts him at the perfect angle to bite at Tripp’s nipple, so he does, hanging on while the jolt ofsensation has Tripp’s hips stuttering and his head tilting back as he comes with a loud cry.
Leander’s hips work him through it, circling lazily as he sits all the way up and focuses on reaching his own finish line. Flashes of Tripp sucking him off earlier make Leander smile, make heat pool in the depths of his belly, make him come messily all over Tripp’s chest, just like he promised.
Once he’s caught his breath and Tripp is slipping out (the rest of Tripp already practically unconscious beneath him), Leander makes good on his other threat and snaps a picture, though it’s not a punishment. They’ll enjoy that together, later.
He goes about his usual routine, cleaning both himself and Tripp with a warm cloth before propping Tripp up on some pillows and ensuring that he drinks his orange juice. In line with their new normal, Leander also provides Tripp with the handful of pills he takes at night and watches as they all go down. As he turns off lights and blows out candles, Leander can’t help but feel like this is allvery normal.
He’s not sure what he expected to come from having sex with a Tripp who is in love with him, but it wasn’tnormal.It wasn’troutine.Something life changing, perhaps, something profound. And maybe that’s unfair, because those things were certainly there, too—they always are between them—but no more than any other time they’ve had sex. Or any time they’ve held each other through the night, or snuggled on the couch, or fought about whether Trippactuallyneeded help getting on and off of the toilet.
As Leander slides into their bed beside Tripp, who promptly begins stuffing pillows around him like some kind of crazed bird, Leander thinks that it’s actually better this way.
Nothing has changed, and that is a good thing.