“One of us will be with her at all times,” he said and smiled. “Which means we’ll be able to help run the diner while you’re recovering.”
“Oh please,” Irene said and grimaced when she tried to move her arm. I hadn’t noticed the way her arm was positioned until that moment. “I’ll be back to work in no time.”
“I don’t know,” I said skeptically, and pointed to her arm. “Have they even said what’s wrong with you yet?”
She shook her head. “They’re supposed to X-ray my arm and shoulder, and they said something about wanting to scan my head since I was unconscious when they brought me in.”
“I think it’s safe to assume you’ll need a few days off at the very least,” Byte said. “I’m not sure when the police will be finished, but I figured you’d want to stay closed for the rest of today and open for business as usual tomorrow.”
She sighed. “Maybe I should close for a few days. Even though I’m willing to limp around the kitchen and hobble to tables, Tony and Bart probably need a few days off.”
“If you want to open tomorrow, we’ll open tomorrow. I know how to run the place, and we have plenty of people willing to pitch in and help until you’re back on your feet. You can even sit at the counter and boss people around if you want to.”
Irene chuckled. “You know me so well.”
It felt like we had been there forever when they finally took Irene for her X-rays and scan. I didn’t want to leave her, but I was surprisingly hungry, and I also wanted to see Edge. I didn’t like being separated from him when so much was going on.
As if reading my mind, Byte said, “It’ll be a while before she’s back. Let’s get the guys from the waiting room and grab a bite to eat while we have some time.”
I nodded in agreement and stayed by his side until we met up with Edge and Dice.
“How is she?” Edge asked as soon as he saw us.
“Better than expected,” I said. “They just took her for some tests, but she’s awake and talking.”
“I’m pretty sure her collarbone is broken,” Byte added. “She’s going to need some help at the diner for a few weeks.”
“We can help out as long as she needs us to,” Edge said.
“That’s what I told her,” Byte said with a smile. “Any word on Tony or Bart?”
Edge shook his head. “No. I asked, but they won’t tell me anything. I’ve been watching for someone to come in and ask about either of them, but so far, no one has.”
“We can ask Irene if there’s anyone we should call for them when she gets back,” Byte said and turned to me. “Unless you know.”
“I don’t. Neither one of them is very chatty. But someone should call Marcy and let her know she doesn’t have to work tonight.”
When no one volunteered, Byte scrunched his nose and sighed. “I’ll do it.”
“What’s with the face?” I asked.
“I’ve never liked her,” he admitted.
“Me either.”
“Thanks again for your help,” Phoenix said when we arrived at Luca’s estate.
“We were happy to help,” Luca said. “But I’m afraid I have some bad news.”
“He’s dead, isn’t he?” Phoenix asked.
Luca nodded resolutely. “He lost consciousness in the car and died a few minutes after we got him downstairs.”
“Did he say anything of value?”