Page 48 of Edge

Luca’s face softened. “You’ll be okay. We’re leaving now, so go ahead and call for help.”

“Thank you.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for. I was never here.” With that, he disappeared around the corner.

I quickly dialed nine-one-one and rushed to Irene’s side. I regurgitated the words Luca told me to say and begged her to hurry.

“Officers are on the way,” the operator said and started bombarding me with questions. I answered what I could, but I was losing my patience. They could interrogate me later.

“Are the intruders still in the building?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t go look for them,” I snapped. “Why aren’t they here yet?”

“Officers should arrive soon, ma’am.”

“That’s what you said the last three times I asked! I need help right now!”

Three sharp knocks on the front door had me sighing in relief. “Cedar Valley Police,” a man announced.

“I’m coming!” I yelled and rushed to unlock the front door.

Police officers flooded the diner with guns drawn. To my utter shock, one of them grabbed my arm and had me face down on the floor with my hands behind my back before I knew what was happening.

“What in the hell are you doing?” I shouted.

The officer didn’t answer me. Instead, he secured my hands behind my back and left me on the floor.

“Irene’s behind the counter!” I yelled. “She needs help! And there might be two injured guys in the kitchen. Is anyone listening to me?”

Tables and chairs blocked my view, so I couldn’t tell what was going on. I tried to get to my feet to see for myself, but someone stopped me from moving by placing their booted foot on my shoulder.

I couldn’t take it anymore and started sobbing. Irene was going to die because none of them would listen to me. They were treating me like a criminal instead of an innocent bystander. Of all the outcomes I imagined, none of them involved me being restrained and left on the floor to sob uncontrollably while the so-called help let my friend die on the floor several feet away.



Ireached for my ringing phone and sleepily answered without looking at the screen. At the sound of Evie’s panicked voice, I was instantly awake.

“Is your father dead?”

“No, he’s not. I hit him twice, and he’s on the ground, but he’s very much alive.”

“Keep your gun aimed at him and shoot him again if he moves,” I said. “Stay on the phone with me. I’ll have someone there to help you soon.”

As I ran down the hall banging on closed doors, I’d never been so glad I slept at the clubhouse. “Get up! I’ve got an emergency!”

Byte opened his door and stepped into the hallway. “What happened?”

“Muzzle is at the diner. Evie shot him, but Irene’s hurt. We need to get someone there right the fuck now. And somebody needs to call Phoenix.”

“I’m here,” Phoenix said. I whirled around and opened my mouth to fill him in, but he held up one finger to stop me. With his phone already pressed to his ear, he spoke quickly andefficiently before ending the call. “Is Evie still on the line?” he asked.


“Tell her Luca and some of his men are on their way.”

I moved my phone back to my mouth so she could hear me clearly. “Did you hear Phoenix? Help is on the way.”