Page 80 of Byte

“No one. It was just Lauren,” he said.

“Tell him to check it again,” Keegan said urgently.

“She said you should check it again,” I relayed.

“Why?” he asked.

“See if anyone visited him yesterday,” Keegan said before I could pass the phone to Byte so the two of them could talk. “If the records aren’t updated until the end of the day, you might’ve missed someone.”

I’d barely finished repeating Keegan’s words before he jumped out of bed and hurried down the hall. He returned moments later with his laptop balanced in one hand while he typed with the other.

“Son of a bitch!” he cursed.

“I think he found something,” I told Keegan, who was now on speaker.

“What is it?” we asked in unison.

“Lawrence did have a visitor yesterday. About an hour before he called you.”

“Who was it?” Keegan and I asked at the same time.

“The records have a Michael Fuller listed,” Byte said.

I heard Keegan gasp through the phone. “That’s not possible,” I insisted.

“Obviously, it wasn’t me,” Byte said. “I’m guessing Chad created a fake ID using my name. I know they scan the IDs and keep a record of them. Give me a few minutes to find it, and we’ll know for sure.”

“If he knows your name, he knows where you live. I think y’all need to stay at the clubhouse until we find this prick,” Keegan said.

I sighed. I knew she was right. There was little to nothing I could do to defend myself with two broken hands and a wounded shoulder, but I was also tired of living in a different place every other week. “Yeah, you’re probably right,” I conceded. “We’ll get some stuff together and head that way.”

“I’ll meet you there,” she said.

I had just ended the call when Byte sat down beside me and showed me his computer screen. “Is that Chad?”

“Yes,” I confirmed as I stared at the driver’s license displayed on the screen. It was Chad’s picture, but with Byte’s name and address.

“All right,” he said and closed the laptop. “I’ll start getting our things together.”

Once he had our bags packed and loaded, he locked up the house and helped me into the truck. Shadow jumped into the back seat and looked around excitedly like we were going on a new adventure.

Keegan was waiting by the doors to the clubhouse when we arrived. She hurried over to Byte’s truck and opened the door for me. Yet another thing I couldn’t do without help. “Thanks,” I grumbled.

“Hang in there,” she said. “It won’t be for much longer.”

“I know,” I sighed. “I’m just frustrated with the whole thing. And I’m hungry. Someone woke me up and indirectly booted me from my home before I had a chance to have breakfast.”

“You can have breakfast now,” she said and led me inside with Shadow trailing along behind us.

Byte took our bags to his room before he joined us at a table in the common room. “I need to go talk to Phoenix. Do you need me to get you anything?”

Keegan answered before I could. “I’ve got her. Go do what you need to do.”

“I’m not sure how long I’ll be,” he said.

“I’ll be fine,” I assured him and waved him away.

Once he was gone, Keegan leveled me with her serious look. “Are you really okay?”