Phoenix laughed. “I know. If you were, you never would’ve started dating Gabby.”
“Yeah, you’re definitely right about that,” I agreed.
“Think about it and let me know. I’m happy to explain my decisions and my line of thinking.”
“Thanks, Prez.”
“I don’t think you’ll need it, but good luck.”
“I brought pizza,”I announced when I walked into my house.
“Yay! I’m starving,” Gabby said from the living room.
“I’ll bring it to you. How many slices do you want?”
“Two, please,” she said.
I carried our plates into the living room to find her camped out on my couch, surrounded by textbooks and binders. “It looks like you’ve been busy.”
She sighed. “I’ve been trying to study so I don’t go crazy from boredom.”
“You’ll be back on your feet before you know it.”
She held up her bandaged hands. “It’s not my feet I’m worried about.”
“Your hands are going to be fine,” I reassured her.
“I know. I just wish bones healed faster. I hate sitting here when there are so many things I could be doing.”
“Whenever you feel frustrated, think of Lauren drinking all of her meals through a straw.”
Gabby laughed. “Yeah, that definitely helps. At least I can eat solid food.” Gabby carefully lifted a slice of pizza to her mouth and awkwardly took a bite. “Well, sort of.”
“Do you want me to cut it for you?” I offered.
A look of disgust appeared on her face. “No. It won’t taste the same.”
“What?” I laughed.
“If you cut it into bites, it won’t taste the same,” she explained. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll make this work.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes, I am. If you don’t believe me, cut yours and give it a try.”
I looked down at the slice of pizza on my plate and imagined cutting it into bites. “You know, I’ll take your word for it.”
“Told you,” she giggled.
Her laughter, her smiles, her love—they meant the world to me. And I hoped they’d still be there after I shared my truth with her.
“Gabby,” I said and inhaled deeply, “I need to tell you something.”
“Okay,” she said slowly.
“It’s big. And it’s something you have to keep to yourself. But this thing between me and you is real. Like the forever kind of real. And I can’t keep going until you know everything. It’s not right, and it’s not fair to you.”
“Are you married?” she whispered with a look of horror on her face.