Page 70 of Byte

“Yes,” I said and motioned for Phoenix to come over.

“Got something?” he asked.

“Yes, and no. I don’t have information on Lauren’s father, but her mother is currently in prison for human trafficking and kidnapping. She was working with Hastings and Hensley. Do you think Luke Johnson might be able to tell us anything about Diana Wiener and her daughter?” I asked.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Phoenix said and pulled out his phone.

“Luke is our go-to guy for anything FBI related. It just so happens that he was the lead agent on the case against Hastings and Hensley. So, while we could hack into the files and see for ourselves, it’s safer for us, as well as the club, to ask for the information since we have a contact. If you’re ever in a situation and you’re not sure if you should proceed, just ask me or your dad.”

“Got it,” Flint said. “Is there anything else we can do while we wait to hear from Luke?”

“Actually, there is. And this is another example of asking for the information instead of getting it ourselves,” I said and got to my feet. “Follow me.”

I stepped out into the hallway and scanned the area for Dr. White. I spotted him at the nurses’ station and waved him over when he noticed me.

“What can I help you with?”

“Well, it’s a little unconventional, but I promised I’d ask. Gabby and Patch have both asked about the status of the shooter. I’d call and ask myself, but I know they won’t give that information to just anyone. Is there any way you could find out about her injuries for them? Even though she was defending herself, I think Gabby’s worried that she may have caused permanent damage, and I’d like to put her mind at ease.”

Dr. White smiled. “I have a friend who works in that ER. I’ll call and ask. Give me a few minutes.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

“Gabby saved my friend’s life. I’m happy to help,” he said.

“Is Gabby really worried about Lauren’s injuries?” Flint asked when Dr. White was out of earshot.

“No,” I said and tried to stifle my laughter. “She wants to know how much damage she caused so she can brag accurately. Her words, not mine.”

Flint chuckled. “That’s hilarious.”

Dr. White returned a few moments later. “Lauren Wiener has a grade four concussion. She has fractures to both eye sockets, her right cheek, nose, and left jaw. It will take some time, but she should recover without permanent damage, with the exception of her nose, but that really falls under cosmetic.”

“Thank you, Dr. White,” I said and extended my hand to shake his.

“What were you talking to the doctor about?” Keegan asked as soon as we returned to the waiting room.

“I was getting your sister’s bragging rights like I promised.”

“Really? What’d he say?” she asked.

“Gabby did a number on her,” I said and relayed the list of Lauren’s injuries.

“Damn. No wonder her hands are so bad,” Keegan said.

“Byte,” Phoenix called. “Patch wants to see you.”

I followed Phoenix to the recovery area. “Go through there and stop at the sink to wash your hands. He can only have two visitors at a time, and Badger’s back there with him now.”

“Got it.”

“Before you go, Luke got back to me. He said Diana’s daughter, Lauren, was sent to live with Diana’s parents in Idaho after her arrest. That’s all the information he had.”

“Thanks, Prez.” The information didn’t seem like it would be helpful, but it was more than we had.

After washing my hands, I went through a set of doors and easily found Patch, since he was the only patient in recovery.

“Hey, brother,” I said and reached out for his hand. “You look a hell of a lot better than the last time I saw you.” And he did. His color was much better, and his breaths were steady and even.