Page 61 of Byte

When I started to move toward the room, she came with me. “No. You stay here.”

She shook her head. “She’s down, and Patch needs help.” The urgency in her voice kept me from insisting she let me check it out first.

I entered the room to find Patch pointing a gun at an unconscious and almost unrecognizable Lauren on the floor. It looked like she’d been beaten within an inch of her life. “What happened?” I finally asked.

“She was posing as a patient and ambushed us,” Patch explained. “She shot me, then Gabby. Gabby took her down. I picked up her gun, and here we are. I need you to call nine-one-one, call the club, and make sure she’s okay.”

“I’m okay,” Gabby insisted. “Help me get him to the table so I can hold pressure on his wound. Then make the calls.”

Gabby seemed to have snapped out of her shock and gone into nurse mode. I took that as a win and helped Patch onto the exam table. Then I called nine-one-one. They tried to keep me on the phone by asking questions, but I hung up after telling them everything I knew. My phone call to the club was much more efficient.

“Phoenix Black,” he answered.

“I need the club at Patch’s clinic. Patch and Gabby have been shot. Both are alert and talking. Shooter is secure. Cops and paramedics have been called. Come through the back.”

“We’re on the way, brother,” he said and disconnected the call.

“I don’t think she’ll wake up, but there’s duct tape on the floor you can use to restrain her,” Patch said. He sounded weak, but I was glad to hear his voice.

“Found it,” I said and started taping Lauren’s hands together. “How are you doing, Gabs?”

“I’m using this adrenaline for everything it’s worth,” she said.

I wasn’t at all surprised when I heard motorcycle pipes well before the sirens. Minutes later, Phoenix appeared in the doorway with a frantic Shaker right behind him.

“Gabby,” he shouted and started toward her.

“Stop him, Byte,” she insisted. “I’m barely holding it together. If he touches me, I’ll lose it. And I can’t lose it until EMS gets here.”

I stepped in front of him, prepared to tackle him to the ground, but it wasn’t necessary. He stopped on his own accord. “Gabby?” he asked carefully.

“I’m okay, Shaky Jakey,” she said softly. “I just need to focus on Patch right now.”

“Croftridge PD!” someone shouted from down the hall.

Phoenix stepped out of the room. “We’re in here, officers. The shooter’s restrained on the floor. Everyone else is with me, including the two with gunshot wounds who need medical attention.”

As soon as the paramedics entered the room, Gabby started giving them a rundown of Patch’s injuries and his status. They thanked her and took over.

I knew what was going to happen and had been anticipating it from the moment Gabby mentioned her adrenaline rush. She’d taken two steps away from Patch when her knees buckled. I swooped in behind her and eased her to the floor. “You’re okay, baby. You’re okay.”

“Gabriella!” Shaker shouted and dropped to the floor beside her. He took one of her hands in his, causing her to groan in pain. He quickly released it with a look of horror on his face. “What happened to your hand?”

“That,” I said and tipped my head in Lauren’s direction.

Shaker did a double-take before he turned back to Gabby with a proud smile on his face. “You did that?”

Gabby lifted one shoulder in a weak attempt to shrug. “She shot me,” she said simply.

“Your papa is going to be so proud,” he said.

“Papa,” she gasped. “Where is he?”

“He’s with Keegan. They’re going to meet us at the hospital.”

“Can they take her to a different hospital?” Gabby asked and gestured toward Lauren, who was still unconscious on the floor.

“I think that can be arranged,” he said.