Page 41 of Byte

That was enough for me. My hips surged forward, and I entered her in one fluid movement. She felt better than anythingI’d ever experienced, and I took a few seconds to relish in the feeling.

When I started to move, she dug her fingers into my back and groaned. Before long, I lost what little control I had and was pounding into her. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was open, and her tits were bouncing with each of my thrusts.

I sat back on my heels and draped her legs over my arms so I could get a better view. I almost lost it when she cupped her breast with one hand and reached down to rub her clit with the other.

“Don’t stop. Don’t stop,” she panted.

I didn’t want to, but it wasn’t going to be long. She felt too good.

I almost sighed in relief when I felt her body tense, and she came. I waited until she was finished before I picked up the pace and found my own release.

I dropped down beside her and tried to catch my breath. “That was,” I said and trailed off when I couldn’t think of the right words.

“Yeah,” she agreed. “Again?”

Well, who was I to say no?



When we arrived at Luca’s estate, I was taken aback by how large the place was. The entire property was surrounded by a wrought iron fence, complete with a guarded gate. The main house was situated at the end of a long driveway with several guest houses on each side. A man named Piero met us at the gate and showed us to the house we would be staying in.

“The code to the door and alarm system is on the kitchen table, as well as my phone number. Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have any issues,” he said.

“Thank you so much,” I said sincerely.

He smiled kindly. “We were happy to help. I’ll be at the main house if you need anything.”

Shadow went around sniffing every corner of the house while Byte and I checked out the place. It was a cute one-story house with two bedrooms and two bathrooms, and it had definitely been customized with the finer things in life. I flopped onto one of the beds to test out the mattress and sighed. “Oh yeah, this will do.”

“Hey,” Byte said, feigning offense. “I thought I had the best mattresses.”

“Sorry to burst your bubble, but Gigi has the best mattresses.”

“I have the same ones she does,” he countered.

“Well, then, I guess it’s a tie,” I laughed.

We moved on to look at the other rooms and made our way back to the kitchen. “I guess we need to pick up something for dinner and make a stop at the grocery store.”

Byte opened a few cabinet doors and looked inside the refrigerator. “No need,” he said and gestured to the fully stocked fridge. “Unless there’s something specific you want, it looks like we’re all set.”

I nudged him out of the way to see for myself. “There’s more food here than I ever have in my house.”

Byte laughed. “I was thinking the same thing.”

“I feel like we should make dinner and invite him to join us to thank him.”

“I think this is probably standard practice for him,” Byte said.

I’d been around wealthy people my entire life. While Keegan and I had plenty of money, Gigi and Jacob were loaded. But Luca was on a completely different level. “Do you think he’ll let us take our vacations here?”

Byte chuckled. “We can always ask.”

I wasin the middle of my lunch break when my phone dinged with a text. I inwardly groaned when I saw who it was from.

Lauren:Just checking to see if we’re still on for studying tonight.