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“I don’t mean to sound like an asshole, but Gabby’s reaction seems a bit extreme. Reese lost the majority of her family. That’s far more traumatic than having your house broken into,” Duke said.

“Not if the break-in has triggered something from Gabby’s past we don’t know about,” Dash said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Keegan and Shaker adopted Gabby when she was five. We don’t know what her life was like before they got her,” Phoenix said.

“Fucking hell,” I mumbled.

“She’ll be okay,” Phoenix assured me. “She’s got one hell of a support system. Make sure someone is always with her while she’s working through this.”

“And don’t hesitate to call Harper if you need her,” Carbon added. “If y’all are staying at the clubhouse tonight, we can crash here, too.”

“Thanks, brother. I’ll see how she is and let you know.”

“All right. Church dismissed,” Phoenix announced and banged his gavel on the table.

I returnedto my room to find Harper, Gabby, and Shadow in my bed. Harper had her arms wrapped around Gabby, who was resting against Harper’s side. Shadow was wedged in between Gabby’s legs with his head resting on her stomach. He barely lifted his head to look at me when I opened the door to the room. Apparently, I’d earned his seal of approval.

“How was church?” Harper asked.

“You know I can’t tell you. Club business.”

Harper rolled her eyes. “That line didn’t work twenty years ago, and it’s not going to work today. Besides, I think Gabby wants to know the plan,” she said and widened her eyes, as if willing me to understand what she wasn’t saying.

I took a seat on the edge of the bed and placed my hand on Gabby’s foot. “Well, Phoenix wants us to stay in Croftridge for the weekend. He said we can stay at the clubhouse or my house, whichever you prefer. He’s going to send Edge, Diesel, and Ink to your house. They’re going to have the police come out and make a report for your insurance company. Then they’ll get the place cleaned up. He also wants them to stay there for a few days to see if anybody tries to break in again. If someone does, the boys will be waiting for them.”

When Gabby didn’t respond, Harper chimed in. “That sounds like a good plan. Do you want to stay at the clubhouse tonight? Harlow and I can spend the night, too, and we can have a movie night like we used to when you were little.”

I was at a loss. So, I followed the advice Carbon gave me and carried on like everything was normal. It seemed like that’s what Harper was doing, too. “Hold on. Before anyone agrees to a movie marathon, I need to know what we’re watching. I have no interest in watching anything that’s going to end with all the girls crying.”

“If you’re referring to the night we watchedThe Notebook, I believe your eyes were rather shiny, too,” Harper teased.

“Lies! It’s all lies!” I protested.

“How about a comedy?” Harper suggested. “Though I wouldn’t mind trying to make the brothers cry again. I won so much money that night.”

“You’re an evil little woman.”

Harper raised her hands in mock surrender. “It was Keegan’s idea. I’m only guilty of placing wise bets.”

“Keegan and her bets,” I chuckled. “She loves to make them, yet rarely wins them.”

Harper snapped her fingers. “Didn’t you two make a robot or something like that?”

“Yeah, we did,” I laughed. “And we placed bets on who would be the first to shoot it. I won fifty bucks off her.”

“It was Carbon, wasn’t it?” Harper asked.

“Carbon and Savior,” I confirmed.

“I can’t believe y’all didn’t get in trouble for that.”

“We probably would have if it weren’t for everything else going on with Keegan at the time. Phoenix knew she needed to have a little fun. I think that’s why he let it slide,” I explained.

“Why is it that whenever we find our women in another brother’s bed, it’s always your bed?” Carbon asked as he entered my room.

“What can I say? The ladies love me.”