Page 67 of Kiss and Make Love

His ass-print was a permanent fixture in Alex Bouchard’s sheets. When Alex insisted Cooper stay with him, he didn’t pass on the chance. What did a sweet, doting Viking look like? He wanted to find out, and find outhe did. Still, it had been three days of living with Alex while Cooper recovered from his whiplash, and he couldn’t help but wonder if this was everything Alex was hoping it’d be.

“You’re sure you want me here taking up all this room in your bed? Leaving kernels of popcorn in your sheets you have to pick out of your ass at three in the morning?” Cooper didn’t bother trying to stifle his shit-eating grin.

Alex rolled his eyes. “Baby, you know this is the only place I want you to be. How could I stand you being in Calgary, recuperating all by yourself?”

“I have a roommate. And a mom, by the way. She’s always more than happy to take care of my injuries.”

“Yeah, you seem like you’d be a momma’s boy. Not gonna lie,” he chuckled.

“Why don’t you take your fine ass and get thismomma’s boysome popcorn? You better believe I’m hiding extra kernels in the sheets tonight for that comment.”

“Whatever makes you happy, Coop,” Alex said, leaving the bedroom to make two heaping bowls of salty, buttery popcorn.

Turns out, his rough-and-tumble man was quite the nurse. It helped that Alex had seen his fair share of injuries, too. Rugby wasn’t exactly a gentle sport. But he didn’t expect him to be quite so…tender. That wasn’t a complaint, either. He liked it. Loved it, in fact. Alex waited on himhand and foot even though Cooper was capable of doing everything on his own. Well, almost. His neck was fucking stiff, and he could do without the headaches, but he was getting better. He was around forty percent of normal range of motion, which was better than last week. The doc had given him plenty of gentle stretching to do. But you’d think he’d lost a limb or something the way Alex was caring for him.

Alex returned with the goods only minutes later, as well as a large bag of M&M’s and two bottles of water. Placing half the treats on his nightstand and the other half on Cooper’s, he snuggled in beside him under the covers.

“What do you want to listen to tonight?” Cooper asked. They’d been flying through podcasts since TV only worsened his headaches.

Alex ran his palm up the inside of Cooper’s thigh. “I wouldn’t mind the sound of you screaming my name, baby boy.”

His face fell. “You know we can’t. Not yet, anyway. Once I can turn my neck from side to side, I’ll scream for you all you want.”

“I know, Coop. I just miss you.” Alex leaned over and kissed his shoulder.

The big softy. His heart fluttered. “I miss you, too.”

Alex grabbed his bowl of popcorn and set it between them so they could share. Dumping the packet of M&M’s on top, he said, “Throw on whatever podcast youwant. I’m shitty at finding good ones.” He popped the cap off a bottle of Advil and handed him two pills, along with a muscle relaxant from the doctor.

Cooper grabbed his bottle of water and took a large gulp, choking down the medicine. He’d never been great at swallowing pills. Other things…yes. Pills? No. “I wouldn’t sayshitty. The first few episodes ofMy Dad Wrote a Pornowere pretty fuckin’ hilarious.”

Alex’s eyes lit up at his comment. He’d never tire of that—being able to make a man like him light up. It didn’t come easy, but somehow, he had the magic touch.

“True. But you can only listen to descriptions of big, heaving bosoms for so long…” Alex held his hands out in front of his chest and gave his pretend tits a squeeze.

Cooper laughed and kissed him on the cheek. “How aboutBorrasca? The first two episodes were interesting, eh?”

Alex grunted his approval around a mouthful of chocolatey popcorn. “That Sprouse guy’s voice is pretty hot, too. Put it on.”

He brought a hand to his heart the same way a shocked Southern Belle would. “Should I be jealous?” Cooper said with a southern twang.

“You know my cock only wakes up for you, baby. I’d be happy tojust lay and listen to the sound of your breathing if that’s what you want.”

Cooper grabbed a fistful of popcorn with one hand and scrolled through his podcast app with the other. “Have you always been this much of a sweetheart?” He hit play and settled in, resting his head on Alex’s shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around Cooper and kissed the top of his head. “Only for you, baby. Only for you.”

The Road Trip

Never go on trips with anyone you do not love.

-Ernest Hemmingway


“Matthew was in an accident.”

The words kept echoing in her mind.