Page 39 of Kiss and Make Love

“What?” she yelled, sitting up beside me. “Why so long? How did you ever get hired at a library with that kind of record?”

“Back in high school, my little sister checked the book out using my account, then promptly lost it. I didn’t realize it until I was getting ready to graduate three years later, and they held my diploma ransom for unpaid library fees.”

She scooped up her skirt and underwear. “Did that seriously happen?”

I placed a hand on my heart. “Swear to God.”

“Well, that’s not naughtier than this,” she said, pulling on her panties and skirt and sitting on my lap.

Wrapping my arms around her, I replied, “I don’t know. Mrs. Aberdeen wasreallypissed.”

Molly kissed my forehead. “And how pissed would Pam be if she knew we just defiled each other in the Peach Bay Library?”

I nestled into her chest, which was still tacky from my first orgasm. “Oh, she’d be fly-off-the-handle, bite-my-head-off mad. No doubt in my mind.”

“Did she pick the novel for next week’s book club?” she asked, running her fingers through my hair.

Good thing she can’t see my face, because the heat in my cheeks told me I was blushing. “No, actually, uh, I did.”

She gasped, pulling away to look at me. “What did you pick?”

“The Friend Zone.”

“You! Did! Not!” She punctuated each word with a light slap to my shoulder.

I couldn’t hold back my laughter, and the sound came booming from deep in my chest. “I did. I think I wanted to send you a message.”

She patted his head. “No need, big guy. I knew you liked me. I think the whole town knows you like me. You’re not exactly subtle about it.”

“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” I fake-grumbled, standing upand putting her over my shoulder. “I’m taking you back to my place.”

“And what are we going to do there?” she mumbled against my back as I walked through the library.

“We’re going to get started onThe Friend Zone,so we come prepared to have better talking points than Angela next week,” I stated matter-of-factly.

“We always have better talking points than Angela.”

Was it possible to hear someone roll their eyes? Because I’m sure that’s what I just heard from Molly.

“Well then, it won’t take long, and we can find other ways to entertain each other.”

She drummed on my ass. “Like fucking all night?”

I set her down in front of the front entrance, flipping off the lights. “I was thinking about watching a movie and holding your hand, but that sounds good too.”

She grinned at the suggestion. “Oh, let’s do that. We could watchJust FriendsorNo Strings Attachedor13 Going on 30.”

I tucked a dark strand behind her ear. “I’m sensing a theme, Mol.”

“I want to make sure you know I want to be more than just friends,” she said, gaze falling to where her toes kicked at the tile floor.

Tilting her chin up to meet my eyes, I said, “Then maybe we should watchCrazy, Stupid, Love. How about that?”

“Is that how you really feel?” she asked, staring at me with those eyes like obsidian, so full of promise.

I was hers, and she was mine.Crazy, Stupid, Lovewas exactly how I felt. Crazy lucky that she liked me, stupidly head over heels for her, and love—well, that was obvious. I’d been in love with her since she walked into the After Hours Book Club.

“With all my heart.”