Page 17 of Kiss and Make Love

“Oh, come on. Don’t be such a wet blanket. I need details!”

“Not after the way you behaved when I showed you our last emails. No way.”

Becca stuck her bottom lip out in a mock pout. “My response was perfectly measured against the situation.”

“Dancing around my kitchen singing, ‘Spence is in love, hallelujah, hallelujah’ is not a measured response.”

“Not in your world,” she mumbled around a mouthful of popcorn, “but in mine, it was an understated reaction. I didn’t even climb on your roof to shout it for all to hear.”

“Again, how did we ever successfully date?”

“We didn’t.” She shrugged. “That’s why we’re best friends instead of the hottest couple anyone’s ever seen.”

Spencer grabbed her largest throw pillow and launched it at Becca, narrowly missing the giant bowl of popcorn.

“Watch the nails!” Becca screeched, attempting to hold her hands out of the way of the fluffy missile and failing. “Okay, that’s it. You owe me now.”

“Smudged nail polish does not mean you get your email reading privileges back.”

“Agreed. But it means I get to go through your text messages with Mr. Good Butt. Either that, or you can repaint my nails.”

Spencer threw her hands up in defeat. “Not happening. You never sit still.”

“Yes!” Becca yelled, punching the air in victory.

“So dramatic.”

“You know you love me. Now give me your phone,” she said, sitting straight up. She held out her hand and curled her fingers in a ‘gimme-gimme’ motion.

Spencer handed over her cell, sat back on her couch, and waited for the show to begin. It’d been over a week since she had started communicating with Brett in secret, and while they were getting to know each other, things had taken a more…salacious turn.

“Oh my god! This is like reading a porno!” Becca squealed.

“You’re the one who wanted to go through my messages.”

“Listen to this, listen to this?—”

“Becca, you don’t have to read it to me. It’smyconversation with Brett.”

“Shh! Listen: ‘I need to hear you moan my name with your pussy against my mouth. I want to be buried so deep in your cunt, I can’t breathe.’ Spencer. This guy is filthy!”

She couldn’t help but give her a coy smirk. “I know.”

“Never in a million years would I have guessed that Professor Sweater Vest had a mouth like this on him.”

“We’ll see if he can put his money where his mouth is. Or his mouth where his mouth is, actually.”

“You guys haven’t done anything physical yet? Hasit all been this crazy hot sexting?” Becca’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Pretty much. We both don’t want to get the other in trouble. He could lose his job, I could get kicked out of the program. So it’s all imaginary for the moment.”

“So a week and a half until he can, and I quote: ‘fuck you so good you’ll be a sobbing mess tangled in my sheets?’”


“How are you guys edging each other this hard? All teasing and no actual release?”

Spencer snorted. “Oh, I’m getting a release. No way I can read those words and not take matters into my own hands.”