Boiling over with anger,I hold Claire’s hand firmly as I’m afraid of embarrassing her in front of her family and friends by punching out her ex, but I won’t stand for anybody talking about her like this.
“Excuse me, what did you say?”
The twerps eyes grow wide as he sputters trying to come up with something.
“I dare you talk about my girlfriend like that again. Claire is the most beautiful, smart, kind, funny, and sexiest woman I’ve ever come across. If anybody is slurping up sloppy seconds, it’s this girl right here.” I tip my head to the scantily dressed woman standing beside him.
Claire pulls on my hand as she tries to get me away from this lowlife.
“Zach, please come on. Let’s go.” She steps closer, whispering, and I sense her embarrassment, but I won’t stand for anybody disrespecting her.
“Now you’re going to leave Claire alone. You’re going to stop glaring at her and watching her. It’s creepy and makes me angry, but we’re with her family. It’s a wedding. I don’t want to be disrespectful, so grow up.”
I turn to walk away with Claire, before turning my head toward her ex. “One more thing, Alan. Don’t bother trying to make any further appointments. They’re all denied.”
No longer wanting to give that boy my energy, I escort Claire away to the outside porch area to get some fresh air, while I overhear somebody reaming into Alan, but Claire is more important.
We step outside into the cool evening air as we admire the sunset for a moment. Claire shakes, and I wrap her in a hug.
“Hey now, don’t let him get to you. He’s a lowlife.”
Claire rubs her face against my chest and she fits perfectly against me. She continues to shake. I worry more as her shoulders jump around. I lift her head to look at me and am shocked she’s not crying. She’s laughing.
Her eyes shine with mirth, and she lets a hearty laugh bubble out of her mouth. She grabs hold of her stomach and tries to catch her breath.
“I’m sorry.” She waves her hand around, and I smile as she tries to collect herself. “I’m sorry, but you don’t know how good this feels.”
“Take your time. I’m glad the moment amuses you more than upsetting you. I don’t like you sad.”
My comment sobers her as the amusement dies. “I’m used to him speaking to me that way. Normally, I’ll say something back, but today is Ellie’s day. I didn’t want to ruin it for her.”
Claire sighs and walks to the railing resting her hands on it as she looks out over the golf course. “Alan, cheated on me with that woman in there, and most of the people in my life still saw him as this great guy. Maybe because we’d been together since we were fifteen, and he never spoke down to me or bad about me in front of anybody. He was smart and left it all in private.”
The anger reignites itself; I want to turn around and punch the twerp all over again, but it won’t do anything other than cause the disruption Claire’s been trying to avoid.
I move to stand next to her and I take off my suit coat and wrap it around her shoulders as the goosebumps line her skin.
She thanks me with her bright smile. “This is the first time he showed his true colors in front of everybody. Being here with you set him off. I hate to imagine what he would’ve done if you weren’t here. I’ve grown a thick skin, but some days it’s not as thick as it should be, but I’m relieved my family saw it all.”
“Something tells me you didn’t tell them everything he’s said and done.”
“That’s why you’re the billionaire. You’re extremely observant.”
I laugh and shrug. It’s true, no sense in denying it.
“I want everybody to be happy, and Alan’s been a part of my family for so long. They don’t even know he had an affair with Mandy. So thank you for spilling that tidbit out.” She bumps her shoulder against me.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry. The last thing I want to do is make things more difficult for you.”
“No, you did me a huge favor. Now I don’t have to pretend anymore. I’m free.” Claire closes her eyes, looks up toward the sky, and I can’t stop my gaze from mapping out every dip andcurve of her face, neck, breasts. She’s so captivating. I can’t control myself.
She initiated the kiss yesterday. Now it’s my turn, but nothings going to stop me from having her lips again. It’s like I’m struck by lightning, I’m fully aware she’s it for me. She’s smart, funny, kind, and genuine, everything my ex-wife isn’t. How can I not claim her as mine? It’s impossible.
I slide my hand along her neck and cup the back of it as she turns to face me. Her eyes overcast with desire and my cock twitches as she licks her lips. No more waiting. I take her mouth like how I wish to take her body.
She moans, falling against me. I wrap her tight and close. I explore her mouth much better than I could do last night. There we had an audience. Here it’s just us and I push my erection against her soft belly where we both groan.
The urge to let my hands roam is stopped, because we’re not alone, but I’m verging close to the line of not caring.