“I can carry you, if you will allow me,” he says, stopping me abruptly.

I glance over my shoulder. “All right.”

A smile curves his gorgeous mouth as he hoists me into his arms. Greywind follows us as he lifts into the air and flies me back to our balcony. Gently, he sets me down at the small table on the balcony. He goes inside and comes out a moment later with a tray of lavender tea and chocolate biscuits.

Now that he has told me everything about when he pretended to be Joren, I have also learned how he studied me, learning my likes and my dislikes and committing them to memory.

Perhaps, before I knew him, I would think it strange, but he is Fae, and according to Emryll it is not uncommon for a male to become completely and utterly obsessed with his mate.

“I have a surprise for you.” He grins. “I think it’s one you will love.”

“What is it?”

He hands me a Fae book and I smile as I read the cover. “Her Fae Admirer.”

“It is a good one. It reminds me of the Queen’s Knight.”

I pass the book back to him. “Read it to me.”

A handsome grin lights his face as he flips it open and begins.

When I’m finished with my tea and chocolate biscuits, we move to the sofa. As I struggle to keep my eyes open, I find myself leaning close to him. After a moment, he cautiously wraps his arm around my shoulders and tugs me to his side, curling his wing around me like a giant cocoon while he reads to me in his rich, warm voice in front of the fireplace and the glowing l’sair crystals.

A soft cooing sound fills the air and I glance over to find Greywind at our feet, his long tail curled around his form as he lies on the ground.

After a few more pages, I succumb to the call of sleep and fall away into the void.



When I wake, I’m still on the sofa and Greywind is at my feet, but Grayce is not beside me. I look around the room, and realize she is not in our chambers.

Sensing I’m awake, Greywind lifts his head. Gently I pat his neck and then tip up my nose, scenting the air to search for Grayce’s scent, trying to determine where she is.

I follow it out onto the balcony. Movement in the gardens below catches my eye and I flap my wings and fly toward her, landing behind her as she walks along the back wall of rosebushes.

“You made this for me, didn’t you?” she asks, her gaze traveling over the thick vines and their vibrant white blooms.

“I missed you when I returned to Anlora,” I explain. “It made me feel close to you when we were apart.” I trace my fingers over one of the roses. “I was desperate to get back to you, but… my father and brother had just died and there was so much I had to do. I—”

“I understand,” she whispers. “It was the same for Edmynd after the death of our father. The crown is a heavy burden to carry, especially when you were not expecting it so soon.”

“Or ever,” I add. “It should have been Lyrian who assumed the throne. If my father had had his way, my brother would have been your husband.”

She turns back to me. “What would you have done?”

“I already told you my plans.” A smile curves my mouth. “I would have convinced you to run away with me if our families did not endorse our bonding.”

“And what would we have done?” She laughs. “Lived in the woods?”

“I planned to ask Varys to take us in. I would have asked him to give me a position as a healer so you could live in the palace… in conditions that were similar to what you would have left behind to be with me.”

Amusement sparks behind her eyes. “You truly thought this through, didn’t you?”

“I did. It was all I thought about… before I had to return here unexpectedly.”

Cautiously, I cup her cheek. I’m pleased when she does not pull away. My gaze drops to her full, pink lips and I long more than anything to taste them again.