“Then you have no choice, Kyven.” He shakes his head. “Our histories are littered with stories of those who have gone against the will of the gods, and I would not see you suffer their wrath.”

Although I know he is right, guilt gnaws at my heart. “She trusts me, Aren. I do not deserve her trust or her love.”

“Spend every day earning it. Worship her and show her how much you care. So that if the day comes that she learns the truth, she will remember and she will understand why you made the choices that you did.”

As the sunbegins to set, casting warm, golden light across the castle, I make my way to the library in search of Grayce.

I find her there, nestled among the towering shelves of ancient tomes, fast asleep with her head resting on an open book. My heart swells with love as I study her face, serene and lovely in the fading light. A strand of her hair has escaped her loose braid, and I carefully tuck it behind her ear, my fingers lingering on her soft skin.

Grayce is the most precious thing in the world to me, and I would do anything to protect her. The thought is a fierce, burning resolve that courses through my veins, a promise I silently swear to her as she sleeps, oblivious to my presence.

As I watch her, the weight of my secrets and the love I bear for her war within me. But for now, I simply cherish the quiet moment we share, the warmth of our bond thrumming lightly between us.

Gently, I brush my fingers across Grayce's cheek, rousing her from her slumber. Her eyes flutter open, and she blinks up at me, her expression drowsy and endearing. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips. "I have a surprise for you.”

A radiant smile lights her face, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.

“What is it?”

I offer her my hand, and my heart nearly breaks as she trustingly slips her palm into mine, allowing me to pull her up from her seat. “You will have to come with me to see,” I tease gently.

With our hands intertwined, she follows me out of the library. As we step into the gardens outside, the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves greet us.

Grayce gasps in delight when she spots Greywind, waiting patiently among the lush greenery. The majestic nylluan bows his head in deference to his chosen rider, his eyes gleaming with intelligence.

With a laugh of pure joy, Grayce climbs onto his back, her fear of heights momentarily forgotten in the face of her excitement.

“Are you coming?” She smiles over her shoulder at me, and I nod.

Spreading his wings, they take to the sky, soaring high above the city.

I follow close behind, my own wings carrying me effortlessly through the air.

My heart swells with happiness as I watch Grayce conquering her fears, her laughter ringing out like a sweet melody as she and Greywind weave through the clouds.

Her face is alight with exhilaration and wonder, the wind tousling her hair as they climb higher and higher, spiraling up on a swift current.

As we fly side by side, the city sprawling beneath us, I cannot help but stare at my mate in wonder. I am blessed beyond measure that the gods chose to cross my path with hers.

Aren is right. I will show her each day how much she is cherished and treasured. She is my A’lyra and I will do whatever it takes to be worthy of her love.



Iawaken to soft shades of buttery yellow filtering in through the window as the warmth of the morning sun caresses my skin. I reach out for Kyven, but my hand meets only the cool, empty expanse of the bed. With a frown, I notice a folded piece of parchment resting on his pillow.

A grin crests my lips as I unfold the note to read Kyven's message. My smile fades and a chill runs down my spine as I study his writing. The elegant script is etched in my memory, as familiar to me as my own, for I have seen it many times. This is Joren's handwriting. I am certain of it.

My heart races, and my hand trembles as I hold the note. It cannot be the same, and yet, I would recognize that handwriting anywhere. Joren and I exchanged numerous letters.

Dread twists deep within and tears gather in the corner of my eyes, but I force them back down, refusing to believe the worst. I know the Fae can use glamours to change their appearance, but at the time I met Joren, the Mages were still allies with Florin.

They had spells and wards upon our kingdom, preventing the Fae and Otherworldly beings from using magic on our lands.

I force myself to read Kyven’s note, trying to focus on the message instead of his writing. He says he has gone to check the wards around the city and will return for our midday meal together.

A sob bubbles up in my throat, but I swallow it back, clutching the letter to my chest as sadness threatens to overwhelm me.