Her words send a shiver down my spine. Before I can voice any further questions, she gestures, and the vision shifts. The Great Wall crumbles before me, and Wraith surge through the breach, their dark forms spilling in the kingdom of Anlora like a giant wave of darkness sweeping over the land.
“How can I prevent this?” I ask, desperation clawing at my throat.
The spirit gazes upon me with a solemn expression. “This future has already been written. It will be up to you to decide what to do and what to sacrifice,” she says ominously.
As the weight of her words sinks in, the vision fades, the golden light receding until I find myself once more standing beside the heart tree. Disoriented and reeling from the revelations, I stagger back, my vision swimming.
Strong arms encircle me, steadying me as I struggle to regain my equilibrium. I look up to see Kyven’s concerned face, his eyes filled with worry. His presence anchors me, reminding me that whatever trials and betrayals lie ahead, we will face them together. And with the heart tree's guidance echoing in my soul, I am determined to find the strength to protect him and our world, no matter the cost.
As I hold Grayce close, her warmth pressed against my chest, my thoughts drift back to my own encounter with the heart tree. The memory of the spirit’s words still echo in my mind, a haunting melody that both soothes and torments me.
In that golden, otherworldly realm, the spirit appeared to me, her luminous form radiating ancient wisdom. “I know your heart is torn,” she said, her voice resonating with empathy. “Keeping the secret of who you are from your mate fills you with guilt.”
I fell to my knees before her, my soul raw with anguish. “Please,” I begged, “tell me why I cannot reveal the truth. Why would the gods want me to lie to my mate?”
The spirit looked upon me with a mix of sorrow and determination. “If Grayce had known, she would never have bound herself to you, and the prophecy would have been broken. The fate of the world rests upon the strength of her heart and her love for you.”
“I don’t understand,” I told her.
“Love is the only thing more powerful than the darkness that is coming. Without it, the world will fall away.”
I stared at her, my heart aching with the weight of this revelation. “I want to tell Grayce the truth now,” I said, desperate for an end to this torment. “Each moment I keep this from her is torture. I have lied to her… betrayed her trust. I have hurt she who I love above all else. Tell me why I cannot speak the truth. I need to understand.”
The heart tree’s spirit gazed at me solemnly. “Grayce must discover the truth on her own,” she said, her voice resolute. “That is the only way for her heart to remain strong and steadfast. To face what is to come.”
“What is the sacrifice she will be called to make?” I asked. “Tell me so I can protect her.”
“The sacrifice is hers to make. Not your own,” she said. “You cannot alter her fate.”
Now, as I stand with Grayce in my arms, I struggle with the burden of this secret, terrified of what it means and what it has to do with our future. I do not understand how the fate of the world rests upon the love we share. I only know that it is dangerous to defy the will of the gods. But how can I continue to keep the truth from Grayce, knowing the pain it will cause?
As I study my mate, the ominous warning of the heart tree spirit echoes in my mind. I may not be able to alter Grayce’s fate, but I resolve to do everything in my power to protect her, no matter the cost.
Seated before the vanity, I watch as Emryll deftly weaves my hair into an intricate design fit for my crowning ceremony. Her fingers move with practiced ease, creating a masterpiece that mirrors the elegance of the Fae. The room is filled with soft murmurs and the delicate rustle of silk as two of the seamstresses lay out my dress, a comforting backdrop to our conversation.
“Grayce,” Emryll asks hesitantly, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror, “why did Raiden refer to your mother as if she were not also his own?”
I take a deep breath, the memory bittersweet. “Raiden was born of our father’s mistress. My mother was rather cold to him when we were growing up. She resented having to raise the child born of her husband’s affair because Raiden’s mother died in childbirth.”
Pausing for a moment, I continue. “But my siblings and I love Raiden dearly. It has never mattered to us that we do not share the same mother.”
Emryll’s expression softens with sadness for my brother. She is quiet a moment before she speaks. “Does he… have anyone back in Florin?” she asks. “A betrothed?”
A faint smile curves my lips because I know why she asks this. “No, he does not.”
Her eyes brighten, her wings fluttering behind her.
“My brother is an honorable man,” I tell her. “He has a good heart, and he is not afraid to speak the truth. It’s why Edmynd relies on him so heavily as his advisor.”
Emryll lowers her eyes. “We are so different: Fae and humans. But it seems to work well for you and my brother.” She lifts her gaze back to me and smiles. “There are so many misconceptions our kind have about each other.” She shakes her head. “Raiden and Lukas were telling me all the myths they’ve heard about the Fae.”