“I am king no more.” He lifts his chin. “But leader of Clan Urzal.”

She stands from her throne and Aren’s hand goes to the hilt of his sword as she starts down the steps toward them. I quickly move beside her, ready to pull her behind me at a moment’s notice if any of the Orcs show signs of aggression.

They are unpredictable and prone to violence.

Tension is thick in the air. My every instinct is on high alert as we stand before them. Energy crackles between my fingers as magic courses through my veins like fire. The need to protect my mate overriding all sense of diplomacy in this moment.

Lightning fast, Arokh pulls a hidden dagger from his belt, and I grip Grayce’s forearm, pulling her behind me as I bare my fangs.

“Touch her and you die,” I growl.

Arokh stills, narrowing his eyes as the others surround him protectively, scanning the crowd and growling deep in their chests.

Swords drawn and pointed at the Orcs, my guards completely surround them.

“It’s all right,” Grayce says. She touches my back and then moves to my side.

“Grayce,” I murmur, reaching for her. “Get behind me.”

“Trust me, Kyven.”

She looks at the guards. “Lower your swords.”

Arokh and the others watch with narrowed eyes as they reluctantly do as she commands.

He draws the blade across his palm and then raises his closed fist, allowing blood to drip to the floor.

“You honor us with the gift of your blood,” Grayce says in his language.

Aren frowns in confusion, exchanging a wary glance with me.

Grayce pulls her dagger from her belt and my jaw drops as she does the same, allowing her red blood to drip onto the dark blood left by him.

Arokh’s eyes light. “You honor me, Brave Queen, with the gift of your blood.”

He waves his hand over the spot and a circle of magic forms around them.

Everyone in the High Council and the audience watch in rapt fascination and disbelief as my mate stands proud and unafraid before the Orcs.

I would be proud of her bravery, but I am too afraid for her life at the moment to think of anything other than that I would much prefer to end them all than to allow them to be so close to her.

But I also know enough that I understand I should trust her. Grayce has dealt with the Orcs before, and she understands their culture and their language in a way that my warriors, advisors, and I never have.

“The Dark Forest is full of monsters,” Arokh explains. “Their numbers are growing by the day.”

“What do you mean?” I ask. “What sort of monsters?”

His dark eyes sweep to mine. “The kind that should not exist.”

“Tell us what you have seen,” Grayce encourages.

“The Wraith are evolving. They have always been creatures of shadow and death, but now they can take the form of nightmares. Whatever you fear, they become.”

I blink at him, stunned.

He turns to the Orc scout. “Tell them what you saw.”

He steps forward, bowing slightly before he begins. “Humans killed my family. A group of males—hunters,” he corrects. “I was a child, but the memory remains.” He clenches his jaw. “The fear does as well.”