I take his hand, squeezing it gently.

“Despite this, things with my father somehow grew more tense between us after her death. And when I received news that he and Lyrian were dying, I rushed home again.”

“Did you get to speak with him?”

“When I arrived, Lord Torien and the guards bowed low, greeting me as their king.” His voice hitches. “I knew then that I had arrived too late.” He lowers his gaze. “Father’s last words to Emryll were that he loved her, and he asked her to tell me that no matter our differences, I was his son, and he loved me more than anything.”

A tear slips down my cheek, but he gently brushes it away with his thumb. “I tell you this not so that you may feel sorry for me, but so you would understand. Your mother died trying to protect you. That kind of love… it is unconditional, Grayce. There was nothing to forgive or to be forgiven because what you had with her was an unbreakable bond between a mother and her daughter.” He threads his fingers through mine. “I’m sure she knew how much you loved her.” His gaze drops to my collar. “You nearly died trying to save her as well, Grayce. I am certain she knew.”

Tears clog my throat, and I cannot speak. He wraps his arms and wings around me, holding me close. “I am so sorry,” he whispers. “I wish I could take away your pain, Grayce.” He presses a tender kiss to the top of my head. “But know that I will defend you with my life. As long as I draw breath, I will protect you.”

His words warm my heart, but I cannot help but ask. “Is it part of the bond?” I lift my head to him. “Is that why you feel as you do about me?”

“If you are asking if I would still want you without it, I would.” Gently, he brushes my hair back behind my ear. “You are brave, intelligent, kind, determined… stubborn…” A hint of a teasing smile crests his lips, and I playfully bat at his shoulder.

“All the things I would have searched for in a mate,” he replies.

“You do not care that I have no wings?” I ask.

Gently, he brushes the back of his fingers across my cheek. “It gives me an excuse to hold you in my arms, my beautiful Grayce.”

His violet gaze holds mine, and I am completely lost in their depths. “When we wed, I was determined not to surrender my heart, but as I study him, I realize that it is too late. I am already falling for my husband, and I find that I have no desire to pull away.

I lower my eyes to his mouth, remembering when we kissed. Cautiously, I lean in and gently brush my lips across his.

They are soft and warm against mine. He tightens his wings around me, pulling me close, and I mold my body to his.

He threads his fingers through my hair, cupping the back of my head as he deepens our kiss. His other hand moves down my body, tracing over the curve of my hip and setting my entire body ablaze with his touch.

Someone knocks at the door, interrupting us, and we both pull away.

“One moment,” he calls out.

He stands from the bed, and I pull the blankets and furs over myself as he walks to the door. When he opens it, Aren strides past him, stepping into the room. “I informed the priestess that—” He stops abruptly as his eyes meet mine.

His jaw drops but he quickly snaps it shut and bows low. “Forgive me, my queen.” His eyes dart briefly to Kyven. “And my king, I did not mean to intrude.”

He lowers his gaze. “I simply came to let you know that the priestess is aware of the changes for tomorrow, and I inspected the wards around the temple and the caverns to ensure you will both be protected and undisturbed for your ceremony.”

“Thank you, Aren,” Kyven replies. “Choose one of the others to stand guard with you. I’d like you both to be nearby tomorrow.”

“Of course, my king.” Aren dips his chin in acknowledgement before he leaves.

Kyven returns to the bed, lying down beside me. Although he is my husband, all of this is still new, and I cannot help the blush that heats my cheeks when he turns and opens his arms in invitation. “May I hold you while we sleep?”

I scoot toward him, and a smile crests my lips as he loops his arm around my waist, pulling me the rest of the way. He curls his wings around me, surrounding me in a makeshift cocoon as I rest my head on his bicep.

“Sleep, Grayce,” he whispers, gently tucking my hair behind my ear. “I will wake you if your nightmares return.”

His words erode the last of the barriers around my heart. Somehow, this man has managed to find his way into my very soul, and I find that I no longer want to keep him at a distance. Kyven makes me feel safe. More importantly, he cares for me in a way that I never expected.

I’d always worried I would be relegated to a loveless marriage—a sacrifice for my kingdom’s safety. But as I lie in Kyven’s arms, I know that is not the path the gods have chosen for me. He accepts me—visions and all—without question. Already, I feel closer to him than I’ve ever been to anyone else.

Part of me is afraid that I am trusting him too easily. But another part insists that because it feels so right, it cannot be wrong. With a soft sigh of contentment, I close my eyes. Nestling further into him, I allow myself to drift away into sleep.