“It may take time,” she says. “But I believe the majority of the people will come to accept you, Grayce.”

“It does not help that my father declared war against your kingdom and blamed your people for my mother’s death,” I murmur more to myself than to her.

“Even before that, there are several instances of our people trying to invade your kingdom,” she offers. “Unfortunately, there have been atrocities committed on both sides, but I believe your bonding will change all of that.”

“I hope so.”

When we’re finished, Emryll leads me through the maze of hallways to my rooms. Several pairs of eyes observe as we pass, some with expressions of wariness and others with open fascination. I am the first human to come to Sylari in over one-hundred years. Many have never seen my kind, but most have lost someone in the conflict with Florin.

I keep my back straight and my head held high as we pass. I will not allow any to see my worry. If I am to earn their respect as their queen, I must be strong and not show any fear.

At the end of a long hallway is a large set of double doors carved with a beautiful depiction of scrolling vines and leaves. Emryll pushes them open, and my breath catches.

The room is massive, with vaulted ceilings and intricate designs of nature scenes carved into the walls. In the center of the room, hanging from thick vines, is a large bed. The comforter is made of a lovely green iridescent fabric that shimmers in the soft light filtering in through the windows, from the balcony. The headboard is adorned with delicate, gold filigree and the pillows are plump and inviting.

A door across the way leads to a cleansing room. It has a similarly designed, carved out pool in the corner, from when I bathed earlier, but this one is much larger. It appears as though it could easily fit four people.

Just like the other one, it is filled with crystal-clear water, a light mist of steam rising from the surface.

“It is spelled to remain warm at all times,” Emryll explains.

A small bench nearby has a couple of bottles of soap. They smell divine, like a bouquet of fresh spring flowers. I thought our castle in Florin was grand, but it is nothing compared to the beauty and wonder of this majestic palace built within the trees.

Emryll leads me back into the main bedroom and to the balcony. My breath catches at the view of the enchanting garden below. It is just as it appeared in Kyven’s memory that he shared with me. The flowers are of every color imaginable, and their sweet scent fills the air. There are several winding pathways lined with streams that turn into small waterfalls throughout. Several glowing gold and silver pixies flit among the large trees with purple, heart-shaped leaves. A few of them land on the ground, attracted to the tiny white flowers that dot the thick, green moss.

“Kyven loves the garden,” she says. “He spends much time there.”

“Have you had a chance to tour them yet?” his rich voice sounds behind us.

I turn and he flashes a devastatingly handsome smile that arrests my heart.

Emryll looks between us both. “Since you have returned, my dear brother, I shall take my leave so you may enjoy the rest of the evening with your mate.”

My cheeks flare with heat at her statement, and after bidding her a quick goodnight, I turn my gaze back to the gardens, hoping Kyven doesn’t notice the bright red color that has surely spread across my face.

I’m surprised by the quickening beat of my heart as he moves to my side. The warmth of his body radiates to mine, and his clean, masculine scent fills my nose. When he turns his piercing violet eyes to mine, all thought leaves my mind, along with the ability to form words.

How is it that he already has this effect on me, and we’ve only known each other less than a month?

“Would you like a tour of the gardens?” he asks.

Holding out his arms, he says, “Come.”. I step into the circle of his embrace, and he slides one arm behind my back and the other up under my knees, lifting me as if I weigh nothing. He gathers me to his chest and takes off from the balcony, fluttering his wings as he gently lowers us to the gardens below.

He flashes a handsome smile, and my heart skips a beat.

When I agreed to this marriage, I thought it would be built upon respect and mutual goals… perhaps even friendship if we were fortunate. I did not expect this. I’m falling for Kyven, and it worries me.

My new Fae husband is dangerous, and not just because he is powerful, but because in the span of less than two weeks he has already managed to crack the barrier around my heart. I’m so afraid to be hurt again. But when he offers his hand, I slip my palm into his without hesitation.



Carefully, I lower Grayce’s feet to the ground, and offer her my arm. My heart swells as she loops hers through mine, resting her hand on my forearm. Her gaze travels over the gardens, her face full of wonder.

Having seen Florin’s gardens, I try to view these through her eyes. The vegetation glows with an otherworldly light. The purple, heart-shaped leaves of the trees shimmer like precious gems, and the flowers emit a soft, ethereal glow. Pixies flit back and forth through the trees and bushes, like starlight dancing on the wind.

A small stream winds along the path before disappearing into the dense vegetation. “It’s like being in a forest,” she whispers, studying the garden in awe.