“To the king and queen!” Aren yells above us, but his voice is quickly drowned out by the ear-piercing shrieks of the Griffins as they battle the Fae.

Kyven pushes up to his feet, helping me to stand with him. He grips my forearm and tugs me behind him. His right wing is bent at an unnatural angle and black blood trails down his back, dripping onto the ground below.

“Run, Grayce,” he says, his voice low and deadly as he bares his fangs at the Griffins as they approach. “Go. Quickly.”

Despite my fear, I stand my ground, pulling the dagger from my belt. “No. I’m not going to leave you.”

“You need to run, Grayce,” he grinds out. “Now.”

Without warning, the Griffins charge forward.

Raising his hands, Kyven sends an arc of magic, striking the closest one and throwing it back. But the two others close in quickly, undeterred by their fallen brethren, lashing out with their razor-sharp talons.

Kyven hits another with his power, but the third one swipes out. He twists to one side, but not fast enough. He cries out as its claws rake across his torso, slamming him to the ground.

The fear in my heart is swiftly replaced with rage as it closes in on him, readying to attack again. Time slows as I rush forward, dagger in hand. Panic grips me when I realize I will not reach him in time to stop another attack.

Intense warmth fills my chest, flowing through my veins like fire. Heat gathers in my palms, and I glance down in shock as an orb of green fire hovers above my skin. Reacting on instinct, I raise my hands and fling it toward the predator.

An arc of green lightning rushes forward, slamming into the ground at the Griffin’s feet, as it twists out of the way. Angry that I missed my mark, I somehow conjure another. But before I can throw it, thick green vines erupt from the earth, their whip-like tendrils lash at the Griffin, catching its wings and limbs, wrapping tightly around it and slamming it to the dirt.

My mouth hangs open as they tighten, caging it to the earth. Another Griffin drops to the ground before me, and another surge of power bursts forth from my hands, sinking into the ground.

Vines explode from the dark soil, lashing around the Griffin’s body and pinning it down. My arms tremble and sweat beads across my brow. Everything aches, and darkness gathers at the corners of my vision.

The Griffins twist and writhe in their binding, shredding at the vines with their talons.

Fear spikes through me. I cannot allow them to break free. Mustering the last of my strength, I somehow manage to push forward. Gripping my dagger firmly in hand, I plunge it deep into the first one’s chest. It sinks into the Griffin’s flesh with a sickening squelch, and the light fades from its eyes.

Gritting my teeth, I start for the second one, but a bolt of power slams into it, incinerating the Griffin to ash. I glance back and see Kyven, his hands extended as he sends another arc of magic to a Griffin circling above us.

Aren and a few of the other warriors take care of the remaining few and then alight beside us.

Exhaustion steals through me, and I drop to my knees. Kyven rushes to me, hoisting me to his chest. “Grayce.” His panicked gaze finds mine as he brushes the hair back from my face.

Unable to keep my eyes open any longer, my head falls back, and I surrender to the darkness.



As my mind slowly drifts back into awareness, the sound of humming fills my ears. I blink my eyes open and find a beautiful Fae woman standing over me. She has long, flowing silver-white hair, and her eyes are a lovely shade of violet that matches her flowing tunic dress and pants.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine.” I blink several times, struggling to make sense of where I am and how I got here. My head is heavy as I lift it from the bed, and my thoughts are shrouded in a fog-like haze.

“I’m so glad you’re finally awake,” she says, smiling brightly. “We were ever so worried about you.”

Myriad images flood my mind and alarm bursts through me as I recall Kyven, injured and bleeding. “What happened?” I jerk up to sitting. “Where am I?”

“You collapsed.” She rests her hand gently atop mine. “But all is well now. You are safe in the palace in Sylari.”

My gaze sweeps over the room. The walls are carved out of a massive tree trunk, the tan wood gleaming in the soft light filtering through the window. The ceiling is high and arched, with intricate designs etched into the walls. The furnishings are simple yet elegant, with a large bed draped in silken sheets and a fireplace that uses l’sair crystals to provide heat instead of a regular fire. “Where is Kyven? Who are you?”

“I suspect he will be here any moment.” A lovely smile curves her mouth. “He has hardly left your bedside since you arrived. I am his sister, Emryll. My brother flew through the night with an injured wing to get you here as quickly as possible. He will be so glad to know you are awake.”

“Is he all right?” I ask, unable to hide my concern, recalling how painful his injury appeared.