My eyes blink open and closed as I struggle to remain awake. “You’re right about the calming effect,” I murmur sleepily. “I can barely keep my eyes open.”

He gently nuzzles my hair, and his breath is warm against my ear as he whispers. “Then, sleep. I will make sure you are safe, my beautiful mate.”

Warmth fills my heart. As I drift between that place of sleep and wakefulness, my thoughts catch on the memory of my wedding ring and my vision. “I knew your face before we met, and I dreamed you gave me a purple rose.”

He stills behind me.

“It was my sign,” I whisper as I picture the silver ring with the delicate pattern that looks like vines and the purple moonstone carved in the center to appear like a rose in full bloom. It is so elegant and intricately made, it is something a human jeweler could never hope to do. “I believe it was meant to guide me. Just as Inara dreamed of Varys and the green ribbon he gave to her with his betrothal.”

His arms and wings tighten around me and his tr’llyn grows stronger.

“How did you know?” I mumble.

“Know what?” he whispers.

“Purple is my favorite color and roses are my favorite flower.”

His tr’llyn falters a moment as he tenses before he forces himself to relax again and answer. “It… felt right.”

Something about his hesitation snags at my subconscious, but I’m too tired to pursue this line of thought as exhaustion begins to pull me under.

“You are mine to care for and protect, Grayce,” he whispers into my hair. “Sleep. And I will keep you safe. My vow.”

His soothing words and his tr’llyn dissolve the last of my tension, and I lose the battle to remain conscious and fall away into the beckoning void.



The forest is alive with the various sounds of nocturnal creatures making their way back to their homes. A thin line of pink and orange spreads out across the horizon as the dawning sun begins to rise.

I glance down at Grayce, still asleep and wrapped up in my arms and wings. Sometime during the night, she repositioned herself, curling her legs up to her chest and twisting to the side so that she could snuggle against me, with her dainty hand resting against my chest, directly over my beating heart.

Aren flies over to us, alighting on the branch before me. He arches a brow as his gaze travels over Grayce, in my arms, before he turns his attention to me. “One of our scouts reports another band of Orcs further north. There are more of them in these woods than we thought,” he says grimly, making sure to keep his voice low so as not to awaken my bride. “I suggest we avoid that route and fly directly for Corduin instead.”

“Corduin is less than a stone’s throw away from the Great Wall,” I hiss. “You cannot truly be suggesting I take my new queen to such a dangerous place.”

“It is our fortress,” he points out. “Full of our warriors. Surely, she will be safe for one night.”

I can hardly believe what Lurin is suggesting. Then again, it has been many years since he has been there. He does not know how much more dangerous it has become over the years.

He used to be my older brother’s personal guard. And Lyrian never traveled to the Great Wall. I did. As a second born son, I was the one sent as the official member of the royal family to defend our norther border from the Wraith.

I served at the Fortress of Corduin for five years, training as a warrior and a healer. I probably would have lived out most of my life there if my brother had survived to become king.

“And if she sees what we do along the Great Wall, she can report it to her brother, the king,” Aren says, pulling me back from my thoughts. “Maybe then, he will agree to your proposal of expanding a joint presence there to increase our defenses.”

I glance down at Grayce and clench my jaw. Aren is right. Grayce should see it. If for nothing else, then because she is now queen of Anlora, and should be apprised of everything that affects the safety of our kingdom.

Also, I know the warriors that guard the fortress. They were like brothers to me and I am sure that no matter the danger they would sooner die than allow any terrible fate to befall my new queen. “Fine,” I agree. “Inform the rest of our warriors. We will stay at the Fortress of Corduin tonight, and then continue on to Ryvenar.”

He bows low and then flies away to relay my orders.

Sighing heavily, I glance down at my mate. Unable to stop myself, I press a tender kiss to the top of her head and then whisper into her hair. “Grayce, you must wake up.” She stirs gently and nestles into me further. “Grayce.” I try again, and this time her eyelids flutter open.

“Where are—” She stills, her entire body going tense a moment before relaxing again as she lifts her gaze to me.

“It is morning. We must ready to leave. We will travel to Corduin today. We’ll spend the night in the fortress and then continue on to Ryvenar tomorrow.”