I hate that she fears me when I want only to care for and protect her. She is my fated one—a blessing from the gods that every Fae hopes to find, but few ever do.
Clenching my jaw, I stare up at the ceiling. I vow that I will do whatever it takes to prove myself to her.
When I wake, Kyven is already gone. I make my way to the cleansing room and dress. A soft knock at the door is one of the servants with a tray of tea and breakfast.
“Your new husband asked us to send this up to you, my lady,” she says as she walks it inside and carefully sets it on the table. “He said to tell you he is waiting downstairs whenever you are ready.”
I nod and she leaves quickly.
A knot of worry forms in my stomach. I’d hoped we could perhaps talk about last night before we leave, but it seems there will not be a chance. I hate the way I reacted to him. Especially since he has been nothing but kind and respectful of me since we met.
Sighing heavily, I eat a few bites of egg and some toast before drinking my tea. When I’m finished, I go to my chambers and find five trunks packed full of my belongings.
When I open them, I realize that most are clothing with only a few personal items. I’m not sure I want to take this much with me. Especially since it is such a long journey. It would be a strain on both the horses and the carriage.
I quickly search through the trunks, pulling out only enough clothing to fill one trunk, tossing in a few personal items, including my copy of “The Queen’s Knight.”
I felt a bit guilty taking it from the palace library, but it’s my favorite novel and I’m not sure that I’ll find any romance books in Anlora. At least, not ones that I can easily read.
I’ve studied a bit of Faerinesh, but not enough to speak or read it fluently yet. That will have to be remedied rather quickly, I believe.
Instructing the servants to only bring down the one trunk, I make my way downstairs to find Kyven barking orders at his men, readying for our departure.
The moment I step out into the courtyard, his head snaps to me and he walks over.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks, his eyes full of concern.
I hate that things are so awkward between us. I’m still nervous to be leaving behind everything I’ve ever known, but I’m not afraid. Not anymore.
Kyven is a good man, who actually cares what I think and what I feel. If he did not, he would have insisted that we consummate our marriage last night, and he wouldn’t have been so upset about my fears.
“Yes,” I lie.
In truth, I only slept a few hours. My mind would not rest. While I cannot deny that it was somewhat startling to see him with his fangs extended and his eyes pitch-black, but Kyven is not human. And I cannot expect him to look and act human either. He is my husband, and I must accept him as he is, just as he has accepted me.
“Good.” A faint smile crests his lips. “We are ready to leave when you are.”
Tears sting my eyes as I prepare to say goodbye to my family.
Inara embraces me warmly. “You’ll come visit me soon, right?”
She nods against me. “I promise.”
“Gods, I’m so nervous, Inara,” I whisper, allowing my worry to escape unfiltered. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”
When I pull back, she takes my hand and glances down at my ring. “You have a sign you are on the right path,” she whispers. “Just take things slowly and everything will work itself out.”
“How do you know?”
“It worked for me and Varys.”
I hope she is right.
“You are both welcome in our kingdom anytime you wish to visit,” Varys says as he bids me goodbye.