“Please,” he begs. “You saw our future. You dreamed it. Stay with me! You cannot—”
My head falls back, and I tumble away into the dark and beckoning void.
As my mind slowly awakens, I’m aware of Kyven’s warm, masculine scent all around me. I snuggle into his warmth and his arms and wings tighten around my form. “Are you awake,” he whispers, gently nuzzling my temple. “Please, Grayce. Wake up, my A’lyra.”
“Kyven,” I whisper, my voice strained. “What happened?”
He cups my chin, tipping my face up to his. We’re lying in our bed back at the castle. “You collapsed after you stopped the Wraith. The healers weren’t sure if you—” He swallows hard. “They did not know if you would survive. You used so much of your life force, they… feared the worst.”
“I was so afraid you would die.” His voice is thick with emotion. “I thought I would lose you.”
Kyven’s violet eyes stare deep into my own as he drops his forehead gently to mine. “Never scare me like that again.”
A faint smile curls my mouth. “I’ll try not to.”
“My brothers? Talyn?” I ask. “Is everyone all right?”
“Yes.” He presses his lips to mine in a tender kiss. When he pulls back, he cups my cheek. “Your brothers are waiting outside the door.”
“They are?” I grin.
He nods. “Are you up for visitors?”
“For family?” I smile. “Always.”
Kyven goes to the door and as soon as he opens it, Raiden pushes past him, followed by Lukas and Edmynd.
“Thank the gods you’re all right,” Raiden says. He leans in and hugs me tight.
I sit up as Edmynd hugs me next. Lukas stands behind him and I inhale sharply when I notice the long, jagged scar on his left cheek.
“What happened?” Even as I ask this, it is easy to see they are the work of sharp claws.
“The Wraith,” he says with a sad smile. “They got a few swipes in before I ended them.”
“I’m so sorry, Lukas,” I whisper.
Lukas has told me before how many female Wolf-Shifters pass over males with scars, thinking them weaker than others.
“It’s all right.” He sighs, but I know the truth. It will make his life that much harder to find a mate. And if anyone deserves happiness, it’s my best friend. “Just concentrate on getting your strength back.”
“Yeah,” Raiden says. “You gave us all a good scare.”
“Especially me,” Edmynd chimes in. “When I saw you fall, I thought you had—” His voice catches and he hugs me again. “I love you, my darling sister.”
“I’m fine,” I insist. “Truly.”
“I don’t understand how you did it,” Lukas says.
“The amplifier allowed me to channel more power through Kyven. It was not all mine.” I look at my husband. “It was our combined powers.”
“Yes, but still… you used so much of your own life energy, Grayce,” Kyven says. “You could have died.”
“It worked though, Kyven. Do you not see?”