A dozen Fae warriors concentrate their powers, strengthening the wards until the blue glow fades once more into the stone.
“How long will that hold?” Edmynd asks.
“I am uncertain.”
“Aren’t they attracted to magic?” Raiden asks.
“Yes. Why?”
“Because the more your people send to that spot to strengthen it, doesn’t it make it more attractive to them?”
He’s right, but there is no other way to fortify the wall. “We have no choice. If we leave it, that section will give way.”
“It will collapse eventually though, will it not?” Raiden presses.
“Not necessarily,” I reply. “As long as we keep strengthening the wards…” My voice trails off as I consider. “I suppose it’s a possibility, but it is remote…”
“Do you have a backup plan in case the wall fails?” Edmynd asks. “Aside from our forces?”
Clenching my jaw, I study the Wall. If a sacrifice must be made again, it will be made by me. Not by my queen. I turn to Graedyn. “Where is the amplifier?”
He hesitates a beat before answering. “In the vault.”
“Bring it to me.”
“My king, are you sure?” he asks, his eyes full of concern because he knows what I mean to do.
“Someone has to be controlling them,” Edmynd says darkly. “But who?” He casts his gaze along the Wall, as if searching for a Mage somewhere among my warriors. “Do you personally know all of these men?”
“Most,” I reply. I turn my attention to Graedyn. He too begins scanning the males below. “But not all of them.”
“You truly believe a Mage could be hidden here?” Aren asks.
“If not a Mage, then who?” Edmynd counters. “One of yours? One of mine? Who wants to bring down the Wall, and why?”
“Why here?” I ask. “My people have magic. Yours do not. Would it not make sense to have attacked your Outpost instead?”
“We still have High Mage Ylari,” Edmynd replies. “He broke from the Order because of his loyalty to my family.” He narrows his eyes as he scans the Wall. “If this is the work of Mage magic, would your people recognize it like he would?”
My heart stutters and stops. Edmynd is right. “We would not,” I reply soberly.
Raiden turns to me. “The last time a Mage was in your midst, my sister was attacked. Your Lord Torien was the one who enabled them to cross your wards.” He clenches his jaw. “Do you know where he is?”
Aren turns to us both. “Last we heard, he fled the capital, but to where, we do not know.”
“If he is helping the Mages, then he would be here,” Raiden continues. “Would he not?”
“Grayce’s vision,” I murmur, dread unfurling deep within. “If Torien is here, then”—I gesture to the Wall—“it is a—”
“Distraction,” Edmynd finishes my sentence with me.
Without hesitation, I lift off from the balcony and fly back inside, my wings fluttering furiously behind me as I race toward our chambers, back to Grayce.