Page 106 of Taken By the Fae King

“What vision?” Emryll’s voice sounds from the doorway. “What have you seen?”

Aren and Emryll listen as I tell them about my dreams. When I’m finished, I turn my attention back to Kyven. “We need to send a raven to my brothers and Lukas. They need to be warned. If the wall were to collapse, it would not be long before the Wraith reached their kingdoms.”

“I will send a raven immediately,” Aren says. He turns back to Kyven. “And I suggest that we return to the Wall to assess the threat firsthand as well.”

“Agreed,” Kyven says.

“I’m coming with you.”

“No,” Kyven states firmly. “You will remain here where it is safe.”

“I will not,” I counter. “You agreed that we would be equals and I refuse to remain behind.”

“Grayce, please.” He takes my hand. “I do not want you in danger.”

“I’m not completely helpless,” I remind him. “I am able to wield magic and—”

“I’m not saying you are helpless, Grayce. I just do not want to risk any harm coming to you.”

“And I feel the same about you, Kyven. That’s why I’m going with you to the Wall.”

He opens his mouth as if to protest, but quickly snaps it shut again. Pulling me into his arms, he sighs heavily. “I would argue with you, but I cannot. You are right. You are my queen and my equal, and it is not for me to tell you what you can or cannot do.”

I’m glad he understands this, because I did not wish to argue. “We should leave first thing in the morning,” I tell him.

His entire body goes tense before he reluctantly agrees. “We will leave at first light.”



It is midday and we are a little more than halfway to the Great Wall. Although I am worried about what we will find when we reach it, I push down my concerns as I concentrate on scanning the forest for any signs of danger.

Aren, Talyn and a dozen of our guards fly in formation around us, alert and watchful as they constantly search the trees for threats.

The air whips around us as we soar through the emerald canopy of the forest. The ancient trees with thick, tower-like trunks stretch towards the heavens. Their foliage is so vast that it seems as if the sun has been swallowed by their embrace. I spread my wings wide, feeling the powerful muscles beneath stretch and strain.

Beside me, Grayce rides astride Greywind, his powerful wings carrying them both effortlessly through the sky. Her dark hair billows out behind her, a stark contrast to his black and white feathers and fur. Fierce determination burns in her eyes – the same eyes that had captured my heart the moment they met mine.

As we weave through the labyrinth of branches, I’m surprised by how far Grayce has come. She was terrified of heights when we first flew together, but now, she appears completely at ease upon her mount.

Although I know it was her wish to not have to rely upon me for traveling, I cannot deny that I miss the feel of her in my arms.

Up ahead, Aren signals for us to land. It has been many hours of travel and we still have many more ahead.

“What are we doing?” Grayce asks.

“We’re going to stop for a bit to rest and to eat. Then we will continue on.”

Greywind lands on a nearby branch and Grayce remains astride him while I unroll a tarp and secure it to the trees. When I’m finished, I motion for her to join me.

She swallows hard and carefully slides off of Greywind’s back. With one hand holding onto the saddle, she stands frozen on the branch. It is as wide as three people, but it is easy to see that she is reluctant to walk across it.

I rush to her side. “Are you all right?”

“My legs feel a bit weak from sitting for so long,” she explains. “I do not trust myself to balance on the branch just yet.”

“Will you allow me?” I ask.