I study him a moment before nodding.
“I asked a princess to marry me, and she agreed. But I cannot sleep for worry that she may change her answer in the morning.” A mischievous smile tugs at his lips as he adds, “And I heard rumor that you had a proposal from a king.”
Despite my initial trepidation, I cannot help the faint grin that curves my mouth at his sly humor. “Not just any king,” I tease lightly. “A Fae one.”
“Ah.” His violet eyes sparkle with barely contained amusement. “I’ve heard Fae males are very handsome.” He smirks. “Especiallytheir king. Very intelligent and brave, that one… sharp wit as well.”
A soft laugh escapes me, and he puts his hand to his chest, feigning shock. “You disagree?”
I arch a teasing brow. “You forgot to mention he is very vain and proud.”
He laughs—a rich, rolling sound that makes my heart flutter. He flashes a devastatingly handsome smile. “Well, this Fae King of yours sounds like a keeper.”
Narrowing my eyes, I pretend to study him with a piercing gaze even as a smile threatens to break through. “Perhaps.”
A gorgeous grin stretches his lips.
Despite the lightness of our teasing, I feel compelled to be direct with him. I’ve always been one to face things head on, never enjoying the subtle games that people often play with each other, where one must guess what the other wants through thinly veiled conversation. If we are to be together, we must have honesty between us. I steel myself as I give him the truth. “It worries me that we are to marry, and I barely know you, Kyven.”
His expression sobers. “What do you wish to know? Ask me whatever you want, and I will answer.”
It is well-known that the Fae cannot lie. They may be able to speak around a truth, but having grown up in a royal court, I can easily detect such things. He has offered to answer any questions I have, and I’ve decided to take him up on it. After all, this is a huge decision, and the more information I have, the better. “Can I truly ask you anything?”
A smile quirks his lips. “Yes.”
“Why me?”
He frowns. “Why not you?”
I do not want to play games. “Answer me plainly, please.”
“Of course.” His keen gaze holds mine. “Our marriage would cement the alliance between our kingdoms better than any signed parchment ever could. It would mean one less potential enemy for my people, as well as an ally in our fight against the Mages and the Wraith.”
I shake my head. “I understand the politics behind it but that is not what I am asking.”
“Then… what?” he asks, studying me curiously.
“If you were going to marry outside of your species, why not a Dark Elf or a High Elf? They have magic, like your kind do. Surely, they would make for better allies than humans.”
He leans in, arching a brow. “Is this you gently telling me to find someone else?”
“No,” I deny. “It’s just that… aside from humans having no magic, I’ve always heard your people find mine plain.” I look down at my hands. “In truth, your kind are very handsome and beautiful and I—”
“You find me handsome?” He flashes a gorgeous grin.
“I—no.” His face falls. “I mean… yes.” He smiles again as I stumble over my words, completely flustered.
“Thank you.” He dips his chin. “As for the rest of your kind, I cannot speak. But you, Princess Grayce, are quite the opposite of plain.”
Embarrassment heats my cheeks, but I clear my throat, pushing it back down as I draw upon my courage to ask the questions I need answered. “Will our marriage be in appearance only, for the sake of an alliance? Or will you take me as your true wife?”
“You would be my true mate in all ways, Grayce,” he replies solemnly. “My mate, my queen, and the mother of my fledglings.”
I’m surprised that he answers this without hesitation. But there is something else I must ask to be sure. “And if we cannot have any… fledglings?” I ask, using the same term he did. He is Fae and I am human, after all, so it may not even be possible for us to have children.
“I would like a family, but if no children resulted from our union, I do have a younger sister to pass the crown to,” he replies. “Her offspring would then continue the royal line.”
I’m surprised at this. Most high lords, especially kings, desire heirs above all else. But as I consider this, an ugly truth rears its head. There is something else that Lords will kill and go to war for. Power. I wonder if Kyven knows of my abilities. The gift of foresight—the curse I inherited from my mother.