“Fine.” I huff in mock exasperation. “How much farther?”
“We are nearly there.”
True to his word, he touches down gently and then carefully lowers me to my feet. His strong hands remain around my waist until he is certain I’m steady before he slips his palm into mine. “Are you ready?”
“Can I take this off?” I gesture to the blindfold.
“Not yet.”
A crisp breeze wraps around my form as he guides me, carrying the smell of fresh hay, reminding me of the stables back home.
A loud trill sounds nearby, followed by a strange shriek, and I freeze. A frisson of worry ripples down my spine as it starts again, this time echoing back even louder. I press myself closer to Kyven. “What is that?”
He curls his wing around my side and kisses my temple. “You are safe, Grayce,” he murmurs. “I promise. Now, stand right here.”
Kyven’s palm slips from mine and I feel a slight tug on the blindfold as he loosens it. “Keep your eyes closed,” he whispers in my ear. I do as he says as the fabric falls away. “All right. Now, you can look.”
I open my eyes and stare in shock at the nylluan before me. Behind him is the rookery, with several others nested in the carved-out alcoves.
At least twice the size of a horse, it has the head of an owl with a sharp yellow beak and what appear to be horns, but are actually pointed tufts of black fur that stick up on either side of its head. Dark gray and black fur frame its cerulean eyes. The rest of its body is covered in thick white fur with black spots, like a snow cat with a long black and white spotted tail. Massive feathered white wings with black tips are folded at its sides.
Bright blue eyes blink as they regard me, and it is easy to read the intelligence behind them as we study each other.
“This is Greywind.” Kyven gestures to him. “He came from Corduin. His rider was a warrior who died in a scouting mission on the other side of the Great Wall.”
Sadness clogs my throat. I know from experience that the bond between a horse and its rider can be very strong. I imagine it must be the same with nylluans.
Kyven rests a hand on Greywind’s neck. “We offered him the choice to return to the wilds, but he decided to remain.”
Before I can ask, Kyven volunteers. “Nylluan are highly intelligent, like Dire Wolves.” He takes my hand and guides it to rest lightly on Greywind’s neck.
His fur is thick and silky beneath my fingers, and I smile as he leans into my touch with a low, trilling coo. “Hello, Greywind. I’m Grayce.”
“Would you like to ride him?” Kyven asks.
“I—” I swallow hard. I have been better about heights, but I’m not sure how I’d feel about flying on a nylluan.
But as I study Greywind, I realize that this is what Kyven meant when he said that my surprise was something I wished for: the ability to fly on my own when we travel. I am queen of the Fae and this is my life now, and I’ve decided to embrace it entirely. Squaring my shoulders, I turn back to Kyven. “Yes.”
A handsome smile curves his mouth. “I will show you how to saddle him.”
Another Fae appears off to the side with a saddle in hand. Kyven takes it from him and hands it to me. It’s small and light compared to the ones I’m familiar with for horses, and it has two straps instead of one. The first one goes around his neck, just above his shoulders and the other around his waist to secure it firmly in place. The only problem is that he’s so tall, it is difficult for me to reach his back.
“Lo.” Kyven uses the Fae word for down, and I observe as Greywind lowers himself enough for me to put the saddle on his back and tighten the straps.
“What about a bridle and reins?” I ask.
“The Nylluan understand language and verbal commands. They are not needed,” he explains. “You may also simply tug lightly at his fur to let him know if you’d like to go left or right. Many Fae also choose to ride without the saddle, but I thought it might be best to use one for your first flight so you can see how it feels.”
“Good idea.” I offer him a warm smile.
“Are you ready to fly?”
My stomach twists in a knot, but I force myself to remain calm as I climb into the saddle. As soon as I’m settled, Greywind stands. Worry slithers down my spine, but I draw in a deep breath and sit up straight.
“Let’s fly,” I tell Greywind.
He extends his massive wings and then lifts into the air. My stomach drops as the world falls out beneath us, but I close my eyes and take several deep breaths to calm my racing heart.