I blink several times as horror fills me. Does she believe I would try to take advantage of her? The very thought sickens me, and I want nothing more than to reassure her. I take her hand and meet her gaze evenly. “Grayce, I swear to you that I would never force myself upon you. I—”
“It’s not that. I just… dislike the idea of us being nude before a stranger.” She draws in a deep breath. “In my culture, most humans only undress in the presence of their mate. Not… others, Kyven.”
Understanding dawns. Humans have a general aversion to nudity, whereas mine do not have such compulsions. “You are speaking of the priestess.”
She nods. “You are my husband. Only you should ever see me undressed. No one else.”
For all I thought my kind were evolved, something dark and primal uncoils from deep within, reveling in the knowledge thatIam the only one allowed to view her bare form.
My fangs extend with want to sink deep into her tender flesh, claiming her completely, but I force my instincts back down. “If you do not wish to be nude, we can forgo that part of the ceremony.”
It is the most sacred part of the bonding, but I would never force her to do anything that makes her uncomfortable.
“But you followed human wedding traditions,” she says, guilt easily read in her features. “It would be wrong of me to not honor your customs in return.”
My heart clenches at the sincerity in her eyes. I cup her cheek. “You are my mate, Grayce. I would never ask you to do anything you did not wish. Your happiness is more important to me than anything.”
“What if we compromise?” she asks.
I cock my head to the side. “What do you suggest?”
“What if we wear our undergarments? So we are not completely nude, but we can still draw the runes.”
It would work, and it is an excellent idea, but I want her to know for sure that she does not have to do this part of the ceremony at all if she does not wish. “It is a good plan,” I offer. “But if you would rather forgo the runes, we can.”
“Thank you, Kyven.” She squeezes my hand. “It pleases me to know that you care so much about what I think.”
“You are my mate.” I frown. “Yours is the opinion that matters most.”
Her lips curve into a stunning smile that melts my heart. “Then, we will wear our undergarments for the ceremony. I will not be so nervous that way.”
“I’d rather you not be nervous at all.” I search her eyes. “Your comfort is more important to me than anything else.”
“I think everyone is a bit nervous on their wedding day.”
I’m not. I’ve wanted her from the first moment I saw her. I hesitate a moment, uncertain if I should ask, before I decide that I must know. “Are you having second thoughts about bonding to me?”
“No,” she replies. “It’s just… a wedding is so important.” She pauses. “It’s the day we start our lives together as one. A day that our children may ask about when they are older.” Her cheeks flush, and she looks down at our joined hands. “If we are able to have any, that is,” she corrects.
I love that she is already planning our future. That she is contemplating fledglings. I have always wanted to be a father someday, but we are the first human and fae pairing, and it may not be possible.
Knowing that her sister, Inara, is carrying Varys’s child, and that her cousin, Freyja, is carrying the Dragon King’s fledgling is encouraging. I only pray that we are blessed someday as they are. Even if we are not, I have no regrets taking Grayce as my mate. She is everything to me and I would never wish for another.
“Where is the temple where we will wed?” she asks, interrupting my thoughts. “Is it somewhere here in the castle?”
“No. It is on the mountain, behind the castle.” I point in the general direction. Clouds obscure the towering peaks behind us, and because it is dark, I know she will be unable to make out the narrow bridge that spans the gap. “It is shielded with a barrier similar to the one I used in the gardens of Florin, to hide us from your guards.”
“Because it is a sacred place,” I explain. “One that must be protected from outsiders. The very first heart tree that was ever created, grows on the temple grounds.”
“I’ve never seen a heart tree. But I’ve read about them in the Great Library in Florin.” She regards me a moment. “It is said that each heart tree contains a spirit that is connected to the gods. That this spirit can grant visions to those who seek its truth. Is this true?”
“It is. And it is tradition that each sovereign connects with the heart tree to receive guidance from the spirit.”
She blinks at me. “Including an Outsider?”
I take both her hands in mine. “You are my A’lyra. And once you receive my mark, the magic of this place will recognize you as its own, Grayce. So you will be an Outside no more.” A faint smile crests my lips. “Besides, you would not be the first non-Fae to seek guidance from the tree. The High Elf King came here a few years ago to seek guidance.”