Her luminous hazel eyes search mine, and I fight the urge to pull her into my arms. My fangs lengthen as the dark and primal part of me unfurls from deep within, longing to sink them into her tender flesh to give her my claiming mark.
I clench my jaw as need burns through my veins. Knowing that she will be mine, tomorrow cannot come soon enough. Since we are to be bound, I wish to drop the formal form of address. “Please, call me Kyven.”
“Kyven,” she repeats. A faint smile crests her lips. “You may call me Grayce.”
My heart is full as I gaze at the female who will be my mate, my queen, and the mother of my children. I take her hand and place a tender kiss to the back of her knuckles. “I will meet you at the temple tomorrow, Grayce.”
“Tomorrow,” she agrees.
After I inform Edmynd that the wedding is still moving forward, he instructs one of the servants to lead the Fae back to their guest chambers. My eyes track Kyven until he rounds the corner, disappearing from view.
I can hardly believe I’ll be married tomorrow.
As soon as the Fae are gone, Raiden spins to face me. He puts the back of his hand to my forehead, as if checking for a fever. Then, he cups my face with both hands, staring deep into my eyes with a strange look.
I frown. “What are you doing?”
“Checking for any signs of enchantment,” he murmurs. “Some sort of love spell or—”
Rolling my eyes, I gently push him away. “He did not cast a spell on me, Raiden.”
“I doubt you’d know it if he did,” he murmurs under his breath.
I love my brother, but sometimes his protective nature can be a bit overbearing. “All is well,” I reassure him. “Truly.”
I turn to Edmynd, and cross my arms over my chest. “When were you going to tell me about your plan to offer yourself for the alliance instead?”
“Is it not the same thing you tried to do for Inara?” he asks, reminding me of how I offered myself to the Dark Elf King in her stead when I found out he had asked for her hand. “You’re strong, Grayce, and you always put everyone else’s needs before your own. I just want you to be happy.”
“We both do,” Raiden adds.
I love my family and I want them to be safe. Powerful allies, like the Fae, mean greater protection for them and all of Florin against the Mages and their Wraith. Marrying the Fae King is a small price to pay for this. “I appreciate your concern, but there is no reason to believe that I could not find happiness with Kyven.”
“Have you had any more visions of him?” Edmynd asks.
I told my family about the dreams I’d been having for the past three years. It was the same for my sister, Inara. She dreamed of Varys before they met. “Only the same one I’ve had in the past, where he offers me a purple rose.”
“What do you think it means?” Raiden asks. “Do you think it’s a warning?”
It’s difficult to interpret a vision. It is not enough to dream of something, the emotions behind the dreams are important as well.
“It feels like a sign.” Chewing my bottom lip, I struggle to find the right words to describe it. “Like a symbol to watch for to know that I am on the correct path.”
“I hope you are right,” he replies. “But know this: If he ever upsets you, I will—”
“Sheknows.” Edmynd says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Everyoneknows. I’m sure even the Fae King knows you will end him if he upsets her in any way.”
I laugh as Raiden narrows his eyes in mock irritation. “Is it wrong to care for my sister’s happiness?”
“No,” I reply. “And I appreciate you. Both of you,” I add. “But I have a big day tomorrow and I’d like to get some sleep.” I look at Edmynd. “Is everything still in place for the wedding and the reception?”
“Good.” I hug them both. “Then I will see you in the morning.”