“Who said it has to be now?” Edmynd cuts me off, a faint smirk on his lips because he knows he has me. “I am in no hurry to marry. We can be betrothed and then I will simply wait until she is of age.”
It seems I have underestimated this human king. He is as well-versed in bargains as one of my people.
One of my favorite past times is a board game of strategy.Kal’varis difficult to master because each player must think at least three steps ahead before making a move. Studying King Edmynd, I consider the options and their potential outcomes. The likelihood of winning this negotiation is heavily weighted in my favor. He may not need our alliance as desperately as he did before, but he does want it. Of that, I am certain.
We sit across from each other as equals, but in truth, it is Anlora that is the stronger of our two kingdoms. It is time to remind the humans of that. If I do not, Edmynd and I will circle each other endlessly.
“It seems you are not as interested in peace as we are,” I state impassively, and Edmynd’s mouth falls open. “A pity because I believe we could have achieved something great this day.”
Without waiting for him to reply, I stride toward the door. We’re almost there when Grayce calls out. “Wait!”
I halt abruptly and turn to face her.
Her gaze holds mine as she walks forward. If not for the slight trembling of her hands and the sour scent of her fear, I would never think her afraid as she stands unflinchingly before me. She looks back at her brothers. “I wish to speak with King Kyven alone.”
I motion for Lord Torien and my guards to leave.
My personal guard—Aren—moves to my side. His blue wings flutter agitatedly as he leans in and whispers. “I do not trust the humans. At least one of us should remain to guard you.”
“That is not necessary,” I tell him.
Aren is not just my personal guard, he is close to me like a brother. We served on the Great Wall together for five years before I became king. His blue eyes meet mine and it is easy to see the worry that flashes behind them before he bows low, his short black hair falling over his brow before he smooths it back as he straightens. “As you command, my king.”
He levels a warning glare at Grayce’s brother, Prince Raiden, as he moves up behind his sister.
Raiden wraps his hand around the hilt of his sword as he gestures to his older brother and the rest of their guards. “Go. I will stay here to ensure Grayce is protected.”
“You too, Raiden,” Grayce cuts him off. “I will speak with Kyven alone.”
It seems Aren is not alone in his suspicions, but that is to be expected, I believe. After all, our people have been enemies for hundreds of years.
Instead of arguing as I’d expect, Raiden levels an ice-cold glare at me that promises death if I hurt his sister. Little does he know that I would sooner end my own life than ever harm her.
I dip my chin in subtle acknowledgement of his threat, and he walks out into the hallway, closing the doors behind him and leaving us alone.
When I return my attention to Grayce, she stares up at me proud and unafraid, despite the acrid scent of her fear. “If my hand is the price for peace with your people, I will pay it,” she states firmly. “But only on two conditions.”
She is as strong as she is brave and selfless. I remember Varys telling me how she offered herself up to him to spare her sister, Inara, from wedding the Dark Elf King. Fortunately for me, he refused. Inara is his Fated One, just as Grayce is mine.
I know Grayce. I spent weeks following her, studying her, learning everything I could, including how she thinks. She is as strong as she is selfless, and will agree to a betrothal to protect her family and her kingdom. This is not how I imagined our betrothal would be, but I vow to make up for it by doing everything I can to make sure she never regrets this decision.
“What would those be?” I ask.
“You will treat me as your equal in all ways.”
“Done,” I reply without hesitation. I would have it no other way. “What else?”
“Swear to me that you will protect me and any children we may have. That you will be loyal to us above all else and will father no offspring outside of our union that may threaten their right to the throne once you pass.”
All of this I would have given her freely. My people mate for life, but it seems she does not know this. So, now I will make sure she does not doubt my commitment.
In one smooth motion, I pull the dagger from my belt and draw the blade across my palm, coating the sharp edge with my blood. Her eyes widen as I drop to one knee and present it to her and speak the vow of protection. “I swear myself to you. My blood upon this blade is the promise that I will protect and defend you, from now until the moment I draw my last breath.”
She gasps as swirling silver light winds around the knife. “Magic,” she whispers.
“An unbreakable vow of loyalty and devotion,” I reply solemnly. “If you accept me as your mate.”
Her gaze drops to the blade and Grayce swallows hard. “I accept,” she whispers as she reaches a trembling hand out to grip the handle. She inhales sharply as silver light swirls from the blade, winding around both of our hands and our wrists before disappearing.