I nod.
Commander Graedyn leads us up the stairs and to the second level. We turn down a long hallway to the right until we reach a set of double doors. He pushes them open and inside is a large dining hall with long rows of dark wooden tables, each of them full of warriors already seated for the evening meal. There are four massive, decorative bowls in each corner of the room, stacked with l’sair crystals to give off light and heat.
Several orbs float overhead, casting soft golden light throughout the space. I know this is a fortress, but it is as fine and elegant as any dining hall I’ve ever seen in any royal court.
All the warriors stand as soon as we enter and bow low as we take a seat at a table in the center of the room. This must be where the commander normally eats because it is the only table with no one already sitting.
Large platters of meats, cheese, breads, and fruits, along with goblets of wine are placed before us in a veritable feast. I take a tentative sip of the wine and my cheeks immediately flush with heat, so I quickly put it back down and ask for water. If I drink any more wine, I’m afraid Kyven will have to carry me to our rooms.
I’ve heard rumors of Fae and Elvish wines. I thought the Dark Elf wine at Inara’s wedding was strong, but it was nothing compared to this.
The commander stands and offers a toast. “A warm welcome to our king and queen.” He turns to Kyven and raises his glass. “Welcome back, our warrior brother on the Wall.”
The warriors all stand and raise their glasses as they repeat. “To our warrior brother on the Wall.”
The commander claps a familiar hand on his back, and the rest of the warriors cheer. A warrior with short black hair and amber wings and eyes walks over to us and grips Kyven’s shoulders. “It is good to see you again.”
Kyven grips his shoulders in return. “And you as well, Talyn.” Kyven turns to me. “Talyn and I trained together when we were first stationed here five years ago. He is an excellent warrior and a skilled healer.”
“It is wonderful to meet you,” I reply, doing my best to hide my surprise. I had no idea Kyven trained as a warrior, much less that he was assigned to the Wall.
More of the warriors come forth, greeting him as they would a brother, and I watch as he greets them warmly in return. It seems there is much I do not know of my new husband, but I find that I am eager to know more.
It is good to be back here. I have missed my fellow warrior brothers. And while I am glad to introduce them to my A’lyra, I wish it had been done after our bond was already sealed. Having Grayce here, surrounded by so many unmated males is difficult.
My people are extremely possessive of our mates. Especially in the early days of a newly formed bond. And until it is sealed with the first mating and the claiming mark, it can be difficult to control our aggression toward other males.
Fortunately, Grayce is wearing my clothes and thus covered in my scent, appeasing the primal part of me that claws just beneath the surface, desperate to fully claim her and give her my mark so that every male will know she is my mate, and I am hers.
Commander Graedyn leads us on a tour of the fortress. We climb up to one of the taller watchtowers and Grayce stares out at the land beyond the Great Wall, but she says nothing.
I remember the first time I saw this cursed landscape. I’d been stunned into silence as well.
Much of the terrain is a barren wasteland of ice and snow. A handful of rather pitiful trees are visible, along with a few scraggly bushes. It is so different from the lush green lands on this side of the Wall that are only covered by a light blanket of snow.
The last light of day casts lines of orange and pink across the land as the sun sinks below the horizon. I lead Grayce to the royal chambers. It is the second time I will have used them. The first was when my father brought me to the wall when I was barely thirteen. I realize now that he was preparing me for my future. The one he thought I would have at least.
When I returned again, years later, it was with the understanding that although I was a prince of Anlora, I was a second son. My life would be that of any other warrior, with the choice to live as I pleased. And it pleased me to live simply. But that life is no more.
Grayce’s gaze travels over her rooms as we enter, and I cannot tell if she is pleased or not. The large bed along the far wall is covered with blankets and furs to ward against the chill. A large bowl of l’sair crystals sits in the corner of the room, providing light and heat to the space.
A plain white sofa and chair stand before it and across the way is a door that leads into the cleansing room. There is no bath here, however. It has only a shower, and a sink and toilet in a smaller room attached.
She says nothing as I show her where everything is and I worry that she is disappointed, so I rush to reassure her that is not the level of comfort she should expect in Anlora. “These lodgings are sparse compared to those at the castle.”
“Sparse?” Her brows lift. “It is beautiful here. I’d not expected this level of luxury in a fortress.” I blink several times, and she continues. “Not that I’ve been to many, but… the ones I have were very… utilitarian. Besides,” she says, “this is by far more preferable than sleeping in a tree.”
I open my mouth to apologize but laugh instead when I notice the teasing smile that plays on her lips.
“I was simply trying to manage expectations early,” I joke in response. “This way, by the time we reach the castle, you’ll be so thoroughly impressed you will wonder why you did not think to wed me sooner.”
She laughs, and it is a lovely sound of pure delight. I had not thought it possible to be any more in love with her, but my feelings are growing even stronger the more time we spend together.
“Why ever did I not think of such a thing before now, I wonder?” She flashes a teasing grin and then we’re both laughing together.