“I hope I feel the same about Anlora.” I glance down at her stomach. “Do you think you could come visit before the baby is born?”

“Of course.” She smiles. “And you will have to visit me as well. Varys and Kyven are as close as brothers. I’m sure they would love to spend time together too.”

A knock at the door draws my attention and I move to answer it. A smile crests my lips when I find all my brothers standing outside. I’m not surprised to find Lukas standing behind them as well. His golden eyes lock onto me, and he rushes forward and gathers me into his arms, lifting me into the air and spinning me once before setting me back down.

“I’m glad you came.” I smile. “I’ve missed your bear hugs.”

“Wolf hugs,” he corrects, and I laugh.

Lukas is the Wolf Shifter prince of Valren—our closest neighbor—but he practically grew up with us, and I’ve always thought of him as a brother. “Wolf hug,” I repeat, and he flashes his signature wolfish grin.

He combs a hand through his short brown hair, smoothing it back into places as he straightens. “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” He exchanges a glance with Raiden. “But are you sure about this? Marrying the Fae King?”

“I am.”

Lukas doesn’t trust the Fae. The Wolf-Shifters of Valren have a long and bloody history with the kingdom of Anlora. I hope that my marriage to Kyven and my friendship with Lukas will help create peace between them as well.

He hugs me again and whispers in my ear. “I love you as if you were my own sister. If you get to Anlora, and you are unhappy, I will come for you.” He pulls back and meets my gaze evenly. “My kind are immune to magic. The Fae could not keep me away from you if they tried.”

Although I doubt I will need to be rescued from my new husband, Lukas’s words are comforting all the same. Wolf-Shifters are not just immune to the effects of magic, they are fierce in battle, and heal faster than the other races. It’s why the Fae, the Elves, and even the Orcs are hesitant to cross them.

“Thank you. But I do not think you need to worry. Kyven has been nothing but kind to me so far.”

“Even so, you must be wary,” he warns. “It is not just him that worries me. You will be in Anlora, amongst Fae who have viewed humans as their enemies for centuries.” He presses the hilt of a dagger into my hand. “I gave one to Inara when she wed Varys and I want you to have one as well. Keep it with you at all times.”

Ice-cold dread twists deep inside me as I glance down at the blade. The memories of my mother’s death flood my mind. She was murdered by an assassin; she died protecting me and Inara.

I reach up and feel the thick scar just below my left collarbone. The masked attacker tried to kill me after he was finished with my mother. He stabbed my chest, but I pulled the dagger from my body and slashed a line over his eye and down the left side of his face.

The black blood on the knife was the reason my father suspected the Fae in mother’s death. In truth, it could have been any Otherworldly being. The color of their blood is all the same; none of them bleed red like humans.

I tuck the dagger into my dress pocket and lift my gaze to Lukas. I know he does this because he cares for me. He has no idea of the trauma I still carry from that day. No one does. I hide it well. “Thank you.”

It’s nearly time for the wedding. Lukas and Raiden leave for the temple, while Edmynd waits off to the side.

Inara gives me a quick hug. “You look beautiful.” She smiles brightly. “I’m going to get Varys and we’ll meet you at the altar.”

Varys is standing in as Kyven’s best man, while Inara will be my maid of honor.

When she leaves, I turn back to the mirror and study my reflection once more. Edmynd rests a hand on my shoulder. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Drawing in a deep breath, I loop my arm through Edmynd’s and we step out into the hallway. Our steps echo along the stone floor, each one bringing me closer to the destiny that awaits. Today is the day I will wed my former enemy.

White flowersand ribbons adorn the towering columns on either side of the large wooden doors. I would think the decorations were lovely, if not for the worry in my heart. Smoothing my hands down the silk skirt of my wedding gown, I take a deep and steadying breath.

“You look lovely,” Edmynd offers, but it is easy to read the sorrow in his expression. One would think he was leading me to the gallows instead of preparing to walk me down the aisle to my future husband.

My wedding dress is a masterpiece of delicate lace and silk, the bodice tight and fitted, the skirt decorated in an intricate pattern of small crystals and pearls.

It was my mother’s and I wish more than anything that she was here with us today.

My long, chestnut hair is styled in an elegant twist of braids atop my head, adorned with a crown of diamonds, and my hazel eyes are lined with kohl. Despite my nerves, I give him a faint smile. “Thank you.”

Edmynd offers me his arm, and I loop mine through his. I’m a tangle of nerves as the guards open the doors to the temple, and everyone stands and turns to stare at us. Some of them gazing at me with looks of approval and others with pity.

The aisle is decorated with lovely flowers and ribbons. Scattered pink and white rose petals line the carpet, and the air is thick with the sweet scent of incense.

My eyes immediately find King Kyven, standing beside the altar. Sunlight spills in through the large windows, casting mosaic patterns on the stone floor and gilding the tips of his lavender wings.