Page 108 of Taken By the Fae King

Before he leaves, she affectionately pats Greywind’s neck. “We’ll be in later.”

Commander Graedyn bows low before me and Grayce before clapping a familiar hand on my shoulder. “It is good that you have returned.”

“What has happened?” I ask. “Tell me the bad news first.”

He guides me to the balcony facing the Wall. As we step outside, a cold wind blusters up from the ground, its icy fingers wrapping around us and sending a chill straight through my bones. My jaw drops as I gaze down at the Wall and the mass of Wraith gathered on the other side.

“What are they doing?” Aren murmurs beside me, his face pale and his eyes wide.

“They are waiting for the Wall to come down,” Grayce says ominously. “Just like in my vision.”



The throne room has been turned into a command center, complete with a large round table and several chairs. Commander Graedyn, Aren, Talyn, myself, and Kyven all sit in the circle, discussing our next move.

Kyven has sent several scouts over the Wall to see if they can determine why the Wraith have begun to gather here. A few have already returned without answers, and now we await the others as well, hoping to learn something new. Something that will help us win the war against these dark creatures.

“There are no Mages among them,” Aren says. “At least, none that have been sighted.”

“What about further along the Wall?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “We sent word to Florin’s outpost, but no response yet.”

“Not until now,” a gruff voice calls out from the doorway, and a smile spreads across my face when I recognize who it belongs to.

“Raiden!” I jump up from my chair and rush toward my brother’s open arms.

He gathers me in a bear hug and spins me around in a wide circle. “Did you miss me?” he teases.

“So much.” I laugh even as tears gather in my eyes as he sets me back on my feet. “I know I saw you recently, but I miss seeing you every day.”

“I miss you too,” he says.

He lifts his head as Kyven approaches and gives him a lopsided grin as he claps his shoulder. “I guess I’m glad to see you too.”

Kyven narrows his eyes, but it’s easy to see the hint of a smile that tugs at his lips. “It is good that you are here. Is your brother—”

“I’m here too,” Edmynd’s voice sounds from behind me.

I turn and he embraces me warmly as well. He whispers in my ear. “Raiden told me you are happy. Is this true?”

I nod against him. “Brilliantly happy, my dear brother.” I smile brightly. “My husband is a good man.”

Something akin to relief flashes across his features and he turns to Kyven and embraces him like a brother.

Graedyn, Aren, and Talyn observe in stunned silence. I suppose it is strange to see a human king embrace a fae one, especially after so many years of trouble between our two kingdoms.

“I didn’t think you would be able to come yourself,” Kyven tells him.

“You’re both lucky he came at all. I had a hard time pulling him away from a certain Dark Elf Princess,” Raiden teases, and Edmynd scowls.

“Dark Elf Princess?” I ask. “Varys’s sister?”

Raiden nods.

“Princess Nyrala came to visit Florin in the interest of furthering the cooperative peace between our two kingdoms,” Edmynd explains.