Page 100 of Taken By the Fae King

His eyes darken again, twin pool of black in his ethereally handsome face. His fangs extend into sharpened points as he carefully moves over me, rolling me beneath him.

I trace my hand across his chest and down his abdomen, but he quickly snatches my wrist, pulling it away. “Don’t,” he says sharply. “I need a moment.”

When I frown in confusion, he adds, “I am struggling with the primal part of me that wants to take you again, and I know you need rest.”

A faint smiles curves my lips. “Who said I’m tired?”

He captures my mouth in a claiming kiss, and I moan as he begins to push inside me again, his stav touching some secret place deep within that makes my toes curl with pleasure.

I’m glad I’m not exhausted, because I doubt we’ll be getting any sleep this night.



Morning light spills in through the window. I focus on my mate. Her long lashes cast shadows against her high cheekbones, the faintest hint of a smile playing upon her lips as she dreams. She is more beautiful than anything I have ever seen, and she is mine.

Her eyelids flutter open and she gives me a sleepy smile. “You’re watching me again,” she teases gently.

“I cannot help it,” I whisper. “Part of me is still worried this is a dream and that I’ll awaken at any moment.”

She cups the back of my neck and pulls my mouth to hers, kissing me long and deep. I glance down at her body, wincing when I notice the slight bruising in the shape of my hands. “Are you all right?” I ask, guilt filling my chest. “Forgive me, I—”

Her gaze follows mine to the bruising, and she takes my hand. “It’s all right. I’m fine.”

“I must take greater care with you,” I whisper.

“I’m not going to break, Kyven,” she gently admonishes.

Carefully, I gather her in my arms and stand from the bed, walking us to the cleansing room. I set her down in the bathing pool and a soft sigh of contentment leaves her lips as she settles beneath the warm water.

“Join me.” She tugs at my hand.

I do as she commands and sit behind her, my legs bracketing hers. She leans back, resting her head against my chest and shoulder as she takes my arms and wraps them around her waist.

I curl my wings around her as well as gently nuzzling her head.

“This is lovely,” she whispers. “I don’t want to leave.”

“Leave?” I ask. “Where would we go?”

She twists back to face me. “I had a dream a few nights ago. A vision,” she corrects. “We had to go to Corduin—to the Great Wall.”

“Why? What happened in your dream?”

“It was strange,” she murmurs. “I was watching the story of Queen Ilyra and the Wraith were rushing toward the crumbled part of the Wall.” Her eyes meet mine as she cups my cheek. “You and I stood side by side and we defeated them, Kyven. We pushed back the Wraith, sealing the breach to prevent them from crossing into our kingdom.”

“There is no breach,” I tell her. “If there were, I would have received word. “

“Not yet,” she says ominously. “But there will be.”

Fear tightens my chest. I cannot bear the thought of her in danger. “How did we do it?” I ask. “How did we push back the Wraith?”

“I do not know.” She rests her head back on my shoulder. “I only know that we did.”

“Why do you not seem worried by this vision?” I ask. “It means we will be in danger.”

“Yes, but we will defeat it together,” she counters. “It is a good vision. It means we will win.”