Page 45 of Destined to Fall

The funeral comes to an end, signifying a much greater meaning than just an ending, and my mother politely greets our friends and family.

She keeps it together, until I take her back to my parents’ house, where all the memories flood our house.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay staying here alone, Mom?” I look at my mother, and can’t fight the concern that she will end up lonely.

Her tired eyes meet mine and she gives me a small smile. “I’m thinking of going away with some friends,” she says. “Just to get away for a while.” I hug her to my side as we sit outside on the deck, overlooking our big garden. It was my father’s favorite place. “That might be good for you. I don’t want you to be alone.”

“Darling, I will be fine.” She cups my face. “I’m so proud of you, you know? And so was your Dad.”

“Thanks, Mom. I just hope I’ll be able to be half the man he was.” “You already are, sweetheart.” My mother takes my hand in hers and just holds it, as if to draw strength from it. “Oh, yes,” she says, standing up. “I can’t believe I almost forgot.” I look at my mother, confused, as she walks inside quickly, only to reappear a few minutes later. “Your father wanted to give you this before…” her voice cracks, “but then he asked me to.” She hands me a small blue velvet box and sits down next to me. “It belonged to your grandmother, and when your father and I got engaged, it became mine.” I open the box, and nestled inside is a blue sapphire ring with smaller diamonds surrounding the beautiful stone.

“Mom, this is…”

“I wanted to give it you when the time is right, and I’d hoped your father would be here to share the occasion with us when you do ask Cassey to marry you, but, unfortunately, God had other plans for him.” My mother sniffs and dabs under her eyes with a rumpled tissue.

“How do you know I’m going to propose to Cassey?” I ask out of curiosity. My mother lets out a small laugh. “I don’t, but your father did. He told me as soon as you two met, you’d fall head over heals. And when he saw you two together, he was thrilled. She’s a wonderful woman, Kyler. The two of you remind me so much of me and your father when we were your age.” “So, you like her then?”

“I adore her. I couldn’t have picked a better person for you if I had handpicked her myself.”

I chuckle. “I always thought you wanted me to end up with Jessa.” My mother looks down, a little embarrassed judging by the color in her cheeks. “That was before I saw you with Cassey. I knew then that who you decided to spend the rest of your life with, wasn’t up to me. But, darling, I had the best intentions, really, I did. And I’m glad you didn’t stay with Jessa. She’s quite a little bitch.”

My eyes widen. My mother never swears. “Go Mom!” I tease.

“Oh hush,” my mother chides playfully. “I cuss now and then.” “So, it doesn’t bother you that she’s not like us? That she doesn’t come from money or social standing?”

“No,” she replies, waving me off. “Quite the opposite actually. Cassey is strong and independent, and she will challenge you the way you need to be challenged. She’ll love you fiercely and unconditionally, and that, my darling, is all I want for you. Someone to spend your life with who makes you happy.” I nod, no words necessary, because my mother and I both know Cassey is that person.

My mother stands and I follow. “Now, as much as I love you, I need to get some rest. Tell Cassey we’ll do lunch in a few days.”

“I will, Mom,” I reply, kissing her forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart.”

I leave my parent’s house, my grandmother’s ring tucked away safely in my pocket. I want to propose to Cassey, and I will, I just don’t know if now would be the right time. We’ve had so much going on that I need to stop, and take a breath. When I walk into my apartment, it’s dark, and I’m surprised to find Cassey curled up in my bed. I can see the silhouette of her small, curvaceous figure under my sheets. It makes me smile.

I place the ring box in my drawer before pulling of my clothes off. My body is weary after the weeks events, and even more so after today. I want nothing more than to wrap Cassey in my arms and sleep. She turns, rolling onto her back and her green eyes find me.

“Hey you,” she says, her voice laced with sleep.

“Hey, baby,” I reply, crawling under the cool sheets with her. She slides closer to me, nestling her head under my chin and throws her leg over mine. I trace lazy patterns down her bare spine, and she does the same on my chest. “How’s your mom?” she asks. I can tell she’s really concerned. Her and my mother have become quite close.

“I think it’s going to be hard,” I reply. “They’ve been together forever.” Cassey sighs and I look down to see her regarding me. “I want that kind of love,” she says. “The kind that will be forever.”

I want to tell her we’ll have that, but before I can she asks, “Are you okay?” Her face is drawn, and she also has dark circles under her eyes. I realize that she’s stuck with me through everything this week, and that my parents are so right about her. She’s it for me.

“No,” I reply honestly. “But I will be. As long as I have you, I’ll get through anything.”

She moves closer and lays a gentle kiss on my mouth. I cup her head and deepen it, fusing our tongues together. It’s intimate, even without it leading to sex, and I know, deep down in my soul that we are forever. Cassey’s eyes open, and her lips turn up into a sweet, soft smile. Then I do excatly what I said I wouldn’t.

Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “Marry Me.”

Chapter 16 ~ Cassey ~

I stare at Kyler wide-eyed. Did he just propose? Judging by the look in his face I’m guessing he did. And he’s waiting for me to respond. “Uh…” My words disappear, and I immediately wish I hadn’t said anything at all. Not exactly how I imagined my proposal, or how I would respond. Kyler’s expression shifts, and he slides out from under me.

“Not quite the response I was imagining,” he murmurs. He pulls his sweats on, and starts to stand when I grab his forearm.

“I’m sorry, I just - ”

“Don’t want to marry me,” Kyler intercedes, his body going rigid under my hand. I’ve hurt him. I can hear it in his voice.

“Will you let me explain?” I ask quietly. I hold the sheet to my chest, and move to sit on my knees.

“There’s nothing to explain,” Kyler replies, sounding both resigned and agitated. How the hell did the mood change so quickly? One minute we’re kissing, and the next he’s proposing and I’m stuttering for an answer. Again, not how I pictured this moment happening.

“Kyler,” I say quietly, pleading, “it’s not that I don’t want to marry you, I just - ”

“Didn’t want to say yes,” he interrupts again. “I’m going to crash on the couch.”

He pulls out of my grasp, and walks out of his bedroom, leaving me alone in bed. I have two options here. I can leave it until tomorrow, and potentially have him leave me, or I could chase after the stubborn man and sort this out right now. It only takes me a split second to make my decision. I jump out of bed, and throw on one of Kyler’s discarded shirts on my way down the passage. I find him standing next to his floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the city. The lights shimmer, horns sound down below, and all I can really focus on is the ay Kyler’s shoulder’s move up and down with his every breath. The soft moonlight shines down on him, and the sight is almost enough to take my breath away. I take a few tentative steps towards him, and stop a few feet behind him.