Page 41 of Destined to Fall

“Tell me,” he presses. He kisses my shoulder, and I rub up and down his thighs.

I sigh, partly because I’m enjoying the feel of his chest pressed up against my back, and partly because what I’m thinking about can’t be classified as tubtalk. But I want Kyler to know me, even if that means telling him about my poor upbringing.

“My parents,” I reply reluctantly. Kyler’s hands cup my breasts and it’s a little difficult to concentrate.

“You’ve never spoken about them before,” he says. “Are they still around?” “Yeah,” I reply. “They’re in Georgia.”

Kyler must sense my unease because he takes a deep breath and says, “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, Cass. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

I crane my neck and gently kiss Kyler’s lips. “I’m just not proud of where I come from, that’s all.”

“You have nothing to be ashamed of. You are not your past.”

“I know, but it’s a little difficult to forget about it when my parents are hounding me for money.” I pinch my lips. I wasn’t supposed to say anything about that. It’s not his problem to deal with.

“They’re what?”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m dealing with it.”

Kyler places his hands on my hips, and turns me around to straddle him. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you.”

My hands rest on Kyler’s chest, and I look at him from below my lashes. “We weren’t talking,” I say quietly, willing my brain not to take a trip down memory lane to last week. “And even if we were, I still wouldn’t have told you. It’s my problem.”

Kyler pulls me closer until his mouth is inches from mine. “Well, now it is our problem. Let me help you.”

I think about it for a moment. I don’t expect him to help me, but having him for added support helps ease the weight on my shoulders. I nod once before Kyler takes my mouth in his.

Kyler and I spend the rest of the afternoon in bed, and eventually move to the kitchen for dinner. It’s a little after ten in the evening when we fall asleep on the sofa, only to be woken up by knocking on my door. Kyler stretches and yawns, and I stand up to open the door. When I do, I find a teary-eyed Quinn standing in front of me with an overnight bag in her hand. Her hair is a mess, and she’s pale, like she’s seen a ghost.

“I-I’m sorry to show up here so late,” she says, her voice hitching. “But I had nowhere else to go.”

“Of course, Quinny. Come in.”

Kyler sees Quinn’s distraught expression, and takes her bag from her. He kisses my forehead. “I’ll leave you two girls alone for a while. I need to go to my place and grab some clothes and my laptop.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in a bit,” I reply, kissing him. “Be careful.”

Kyler leaves and I usher Quinn to the sofa. “Are you okay?” I ask her. “No.” She heaves a breath and her lip trembles.

“What happened?”

“Cass, I’m…I’m pregnant.”

“Oh, sweety, that’s great! I’m so happy for you!” I hug Quinn which only seems to make her cry harder.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“I told Jarred, and he totally lost it. We ended up having this huge fight, and I left.”

“I’m sure he’ll come around, Quinny. It probably came as a bit of a shock to him. I mean, you guys weren’t trying to have a baby, were you?” Quinn shakes her head. “No! And I was also shocked, but I didn’t react like a complete maniac!”

Quinn cries harder and I rub her back, trying to soothe her distress. “What did he say to you?” I ask carefully. God help him if he said anything to debase her.

“He just started yelling at me, accusing me of wanting to ruin his career by getting pregnant on purpose. He said I was trying to trap him into marriage.” She takes a deep, calming breath, and just simply shakes her head again. “Which is ridiculous. We’ve only been living together for a month, and before that, we’d only been dating for a year. I only told him I’m in love with him just before we moved in together, and now this…”

Her hands shake, so I wrap them in mine, and steady them. “Everything will be okay,” I assure her.

“I can’t do this alone, Cass.” Quinn’s sad, watery eyes meet mine. For the first time since we met, she looks vulnerable, and scared.

“And you won’t have to. You have me, and your parents. You’re keeping it, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am.” Her hands rest on her stomach. “Whether Jarred is happy about this or not, this baby was made out of love. It’s my baby, I would never want to give it up. Sure, I would’ve liked to wait a few more years, but I’m not going to love this baby any less.”

“This kid is going to have the best godmother in town,” I tease. Quinn giggles, the tension leaving her body. “Can I spend the night?” she asks.

“Of course, you know you don’t even have to ask. You must be tired. You can take a shower if you want, and then sleep in the guest bedroom.” “Thank you so much,” she says, hugging me to her.

“Anything for you,” I reply honestly. I love Quinn like a sister, she knows I would do anything for her.

I leave Quinn to settle in, and decide to crawl into bed. My eye lids close quickly, and soon I’m overcome by a deep, calm slumber.

~ Kyler ~

Cassey’s apartment is quiet when I return. When Quinn showed up, I decided to give them some time to talk through what had upset Quinn, and go to my apartment to pick up a few things. After a week of hell without Cassey, I have no intention of leaving her side any time soon, even if it drives her crazy. She’s sound asleep, so I strip my clothes and crawl into bed beside her. I grin when I find that she’s naked under the sheets, and trail my hands all over her curvaceous body. Her eyes open, and they immediately fill with lust, and behind it I see her love.

“I missed you,” she whispers. Her hands move up my chest, and she hooks her arms around my neck.

“I missed you, too,” I reply. “Is Quinn okay?”

“She’s…” Cassey hesitates. “She’s pregnant.”

“Wow,” I sigh. “That’s pretty awesome. Why was she so upset?” “Jarred reacted like a complete douchecanoe.

He said some pretty harsh things to her, and she came here. She’s spending the night.”

“Hopefully they can sort it out. Is Quinn going to keep it?” I ask. “Yes,” Cassey replies. “It’s a shock to her, but she’s going to love that baby. She’ll make an amazing mom for sure.”

The room goes quiet, and I envision my own future with Cassey. I wonder what it would be like to make her my wife, to have her belly swollen with my baby. The thought isn’t as scary as I would have imagined. In fact, I like it. “Kyler?” Cassey’s whisper breaks through my fantasy, and I look down into her moon-lit eyes.


“Kiss me.”

It doesn’t take me long to fulfill her request. I devour her mouth with mine, savoring her sweet taste. My hand lifts her leg and I bring it over my waist, positioning me at her hot, wet entrance. She whimpers when I rub the head of my erection against her clit, and I watch her eyes roll back in pleasure as I push into her heat slowly. It’s so much deeper like this, and incredibly intense when it’s skin-on-skin. My right hand holds Cassey’s butt as I start pumping into her, slowly first, and then faster, harder. My left arm wraps around Cassey’s delicate, curvy waist and I bring her closer to me until our chests are pressed together.