She knows what went down. Is this her way of showing me whose side she’s on? Bianca’s, and not Mattia’s?
“Does your father know about this?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
I hear the unspoken words. Even if he did, the bastard wouldn’t intervene. He’s too power-hungry and wants to make it up the echelons of the syndicate by any means.
I force a deep breath in. “Bianca came to you with this information?”
“I thought she just wanted out of the wedding, man. I swear. She told us Abrashi has a girlfriend—”
“It was an arranged alliance. Why would we care if the man had a side piece?”
My nostrils are flaring with the rage burning in me. “Except that girlfriend wouldn’t be his side piece. She’d be the one he cherishes. And his wife, the commodity he acquired because we’re so worried about the Albanians we’re ready to get fucked up the ass, she’ll be fair game for anything. For his sick, perverted games.”
“I fucked up, Leo.”
“Damn right you did! And now, Bianca’s gone.” I freeze, something registering. “You say she found out?” How’s not the question right now. “You think he knows?”
Mattia looks up at me with weary eyes. “You thinkhetook her?”
I’m worried he did. So his sins won’t come out. So he can keep being with the woman he loves.
If he has her, she’s in danger. They could already be married, and this would mean he can do whatever he wants with her. Rape her. Fuck her up. Kill her. No one would intervene because it’s a husband’s prerogative to do with his wife as he pleases.
We have to get Bianca out of this mess. Come what may. And for this, I’ll need Mattia’s help. I’m not her blood, so I can’t make a strike in the name of her and her family’s honor.
His jaw’s starting to bruise. I go to the freezer and come back with a bag of peas I hand over to him. He thanks me with a nod and tends to his face.
“I assume you know where we can find the girlfriend?” I ask.
He nods at the island. “Address is in the folder.”
My mouth curls in a grimace at the thought of having to touch that filth again. I turn the file over, so the pictures will be face-down, and open it. Thankfully, the information about Abrashi’s woman are at the back. The address is in Brooklyn.
“Come on,” I tell Mattia. “We’re going out.”
The SUV takes us to a street in Williamsburg. I park, and we don’t have long to wait. The woman from the picture is coming home. I frown, watching her slow, waddling steps.
“She’s pregnant,” Mattia gasps.
I nod. Heavily so, too. No wonder Abrashi is tying up loose ends. The fucker.
“We can’t go there,” I tell Mattia.
“No. Change of plans.”
No matter the situation, we never hurt children, and much less a pregnant woman.
“Where can we find him tonight, do you think?”
Mattia sighs. “Turns out he also has a gambling addiction.”
I curse, itching to slam my fist into his face again. That’s the fucker they were ready to shackle Bianca to?
Bianca… A snapshot assails me, of her dark eyes peering up at me when I’m taking her, her lips parted, glistening because she just ran her tongue over them, me needing to take those lips, to plunge my tongue into them just like my cock was plunging into her core.