It’s strange how there’s no one on lookout. Unless…it’s in their plan. They knew I’d come, and I’m going to be a sitting duck inside this church where all of Jasir’s men will be. But this is something I have to do. Four years ago, I didn’t fight for Bianca.This can’t happen again. I won’t let it, even if I have to die to make it happen.
The interior is dark, lit by the glow of a few candles burning around the perimeter and at the end of the aisle where stands an old Orthodox priest in full vestal garments, a couple in front of him. My breath hitches when my eyes land on Bianca in an ill-fitting white-gone-sallow-yellow old wedding dress.
This is a nightmare.This can’t be happening, yet here she is, a bride, marrying another man.
Jasir Abrashi stands across from her in a three-piece suit doing nothing to hide his muscled bulk. In hand-to-hand combat with a man bearing such a honed frame, I’d be going against a formidable opponent. I’d win, certainly, but not without taking a thrashing during the fight. As such, I know not to underestimate him. Plus he’s got a fucked-up mind, and I need to think outside the box with the likes of psychos like him.
“Stop,” a low voice says as soon as I’m inside.
It’s a man to my side, pointing a gun at me. I glance around the room, seeing men all over, weapons cocked in my direction. Only Jasir and the priest don’t seem to be packing tonight.
I don’t lift my hands, though I stay put and still.
Jasir laughs, a sound that chills my bones.
“You’re too late,” he says. “I’d hoped you’d get to be a witness, but…” He shrugs, as if it’s my loss I didn’t get to see him exchange vows with his bride.
My throat clenches, making me have to force down a gulp. This means they’ve already said “I do” which makes them married.
So far, he’s not touching Bianca. Maybe Mattia and Luigi will find a way to sneak in from the back. Once I spot them, then I can try something. Though there’s more than fifty feet between where I’m standing and the altar. It must be why Jasir had his man stop me here—he thinks it’s far enough away from him for me to try anything.
I’m tempted to growl at him to let her go, but I don’t. I’m not in the position of power here, but my silence is still somewhat a weapon at this point. I must continue to appear unfazed.
I don’t even allow myself to glance at Bianca, to meet her eyes. I’ll lose it if this happens. So I stay focused on the man across, my enemy.
“You lost, Leo,” he says with a laugh. “I can call you Leo, can’t I? And I can’t believe you lost twice, too.”
My jaw clenches, though I stay put.
“You know, she was always going to be mine,” he continues.
Curiosity piques me. What does he mean by this? I let him talk—it seems like he enjoys the sound of his own voice.
Indeed, he doesn’t disappoint me.
“Ardian was to marry her, yes, but he had his little side piece. In order to marry his slut, he would’ve then had to divorce this one.”
He glances at Bianca with such a lascivious, hungry look, everything inside me is boiling over. I’m rearing to jump, but not yet, though. I have to give my men time to breach. Jasir and his men don’t want to kill me, or I’d be dead already. No, they want me to watch him gloat, and that’s what I’ll do, biding my timewhile he rambles on.
“Like I was telling her earlier, she’s not my usual type.” He shrugs. “But she would be my wife, and I could work with that.”
An old church, an Orthodox priest—it clicks in my mind that Jasir is a religious man, or at least one who lives by traditional values. The woman who is his wife will be his to do with as he pleases, and she’d have no say in what happens to her. No one would, really, because a husband is ordained by God to treat his wife as he alone deems fit.
“My brother was a little pussy, though,” he says, and this makes me lend a closer ear. “So much potential, so much he could do to a wife, yet he couldn’t see beyond his dick, couldn’t think with his head and not his cock. I tried, you know…” He sighs then.
Something is working in my head. I think of those torture porn photos on Ardian Abrashi’s computer. Strangely, the P.I. found such trash only once on his hard drive—he wasn’t a regular on any such sites, as the full report stated when I read it after Bianca’s disappearance.
Ardian wasn’t into this shit. It’s Jasir who sent the material to him.
Jasir was showing him what to do with a wife.
He was also telling his brother what he’d do to Bianca once Ardian divorced her, and he swooped in to marry her. After all, the alliance meant the Abrashis tied a marriage knot with an Italian-American Mafia family thus establishing a truce between our two mobs.
Four years ago, Bianca would’ve become this sick pervert’splaything, in the end.
Today, I’m not going to let this happen.
Jasir laughs again, which brings me back to the moment, my entire focus on him. When he reaches for Bianca, I flinch. In my peripheral vision, I can see the gun close to me moving a bit.No brusque moves, I remind myself.