“Drive,” I tell him as he gets in.

Mattia sighs.

We’re one block away when I speak again.

“What?” I ask.

“Is violence really always the answer with you?”

I bristle, but keep myself in check. “It gets the job done, doesn’t it?”

“Leo, you can’t scare your men into submission.”

“They’re not my men, Mattia. They’re my father’s.”

“All the more reason,” he points out. “You need to find people who are loyal to you.”

I know this. But once more, I have bigger fish to fry. Don Salvatore just painted a target on his back with his machinations. The syndicate needs to know I’m not anyone’s puppet, much less theirs.

“In due time,” I tell him. “But that’s for me to decide.”And for you to follow.

I haven’t said this, but the words are there. They’ve been in the air a lot recently since I’ve taken over as Don. And Mattia, like a dutiful soldier, stays put and doesn’t answer back, every time.

A sigh escapes me. “It’s been a hard day. Drinks at the club?”

“Not tonight. Hana’s plane is landing in an hour.”

I turn away to look outside the window—I heard the joy in his voice, the anticipation of welcoming his wife back after she’s been gone for months now.

Lucky bastard. I could command him to accompany me. As his Don, it’s my prerogative. The joy inside him is almost palpable in the car. He wasn’t this eager to go to his wife on his wedding day. Granted, his was an arranged match. He was going to the marital bed to do his duty back then, to consummate their union. Today, I hear a man who’s excited to get his wife back so he can fuck her again after so long. So he can hold her in his arms and know he’ll never want to let her go from his embrace ever again.

Everything I wanted to have with Bianca.

Everything I was denied, that I never got to experience with her.

And there it is—I couldn’t stop the thought of Bianca once again. It’s now going to eat me alive, the very image of her in my mind, her laugh in my blood, scorching all my veins, burning my heart. I’m done for, because when I get like this, I stop functioning as a man. A beast takes over, one who wants to kill, who wants darkness to fall on everyone in the world like the abyss that took hold of me when the woman I love was taken from me.

“You’ll be okay?” Mattia asks as the car stops in front of the most high-end club my family owns.

“Yeah,” I lie as I get out. He’s going to his wife; he doesn’t need to know I’m going down into the bowels of Hell to have a meeting with the devil.

He’s already gone by the time I make it to the door. The bouncers bow slightly as I go in, as does the manager who nods toward the most exclusive VIP room in the place. Even if there’d been someone in there, he’d have thrown them out by the time I make it up the stairs to the soundproof room. I spot my brothers, the twins, on the floor below in a regular VIP booth. I shake my head when I notice they’ve dressed alike, entirely identical to someone who hasn’t known them all their lives.

Any other day, I would’ve gone over to tease them about being up to some mischief again. But not tonight. There’s too much on my mind.

A bottle of Macallan Scotch whiskey is already waiting for me when I get into the room. They’ve come to know the drill when I visit now. Someone rings the intercom. I press the buzzer to open the door, letting in a dark-haired beauty with long locks and dusky skin. Through these women, I remember. I recallmybeautiful woman in their image, my Bianca.

I frown. This girl, she’s new. But that’s a good thing. I don’t like familiarity here. Aside from the general look of them, I keep it impersonal.

I sit back in the booth and let my eyes rove over her.

“Come here.” When she stops in front of me, I nod at the table. “Lay down. Spread your legs.”

I detect a small tremble in her lips as she takes in my request. Then she does as bid, lying down with her back on the glass surface. She opens her legs, the thong displaying a waxed pussy.

“Touch yourself,” I tell her. “Bring yourself pleasure and make sure to come. Take your time.”

She need not have worried. Those girls who come up here? I never touch them. All I ever do is watch them coming. They usually start slow, unsure, then somewhere along the way, they get into it. I like it, knowing they have a safe space here where their pleasure is a given without anything being taken from them. I reward them handsomely for it, too.