“What?” I ask.

Something feels off. There’s an air of coiled tension in the room. I glance at Mattia. It looks like the weight of the world is pressing down on his shoulders, and his golden skin has a grey cast to it. Bags underline his eyes; he looks like he hasn’t slept in days.

I feel a strength that comes up from Lord knows where rise upmy spine, sharpening my gaze, my insight. My father always says a good boss or Don trusts his gut.

Mine’s telling me something’s afoot.

The monster is also whispering his vitriol concurrently.

I narrow my eyes onto Mattia. “Talk.”

“Here,” Hana replies, pushing a folder my way on the island.

I glance at them both, noting the tenseness of their jaws, then open the folder.

My mouth curls in a snarl of disgust as I peruse the images, screenshots of bondage porn that keep getting worse with every frame. When I get to one where a woman’s spread thighs are being slashed by a broken bottle shoved deep inside her, I close the folder with a snap.

“What the fuck!” I curse, looking up at Mattia. “Dio Santo, what did I just see? I’m gonna need to bleach my eyes now.”

“You and me both,” Mattia says. “And Hana, too.”

I glare at him. “You let your wife see this?”

“Bianca saw it first,” Hana says softly behind me.

I whirl around to face her. “What?”

She swallows, hard, pinches her lips together.

“I can’t do this. You tell him,” she throws at her husband before running out of the room.

I turn to him. “Talk. Now.”

How can Bianca have seen such disgusting shit? Why?

Does it have anything to do with her disappearance?

Mattia gulps and chin-nods at the island. “Got a P.I. to go through Abrashi’s browser history. He came up with that.”

I shrug. “Yeah, we all knowThe Butcher’s a sick fucker.”

“It’s not Jasir’s computer.”

Time stops for a moment, then it all pulls in with a dull roar in my ears. “Ardian?”

Mattia falls into a heap on a couch. “Bianca told me about it. I didn’t believe her.”

I don’t know when my legs start moving. In a flash, I’m by his side, pulling him up from the collar of his polo shirt, and my fist has slammed into his jaw.

“Youcazzo!” I yell. “You were going to marry your sister to aporcothat could do this to her?”

Mattia winces. “I deserve that.”

“Like fuck you do, yeah! What the fuck were you thinking?”

We kill bastards like this if they pull this kind of stunt on the girls in our clubs.

I throw him back onto the couch, looking around for Hana. She hasn’t come, even after my outburst, even after hearing me punch her husband.