Bianca Bonucci used to be skinny, as coltish as the newborns in the stable, all knees and bones. Yet, more prominent was her never-ending smile, from which her braces shone almost blindingly. With her chin-length hair, she easily passed for a boy.
But the woman she’s become… God have mercy.
“Go pester Leo, will you?”
She huffs, and my body unfreezes as she steps my way. My hand falls from the door knob, letting the panel finally close.
I’ve been standing here like a dolt staring at her all this time. No wonder Gio’s lost his mind over her. Any man with a sane mind would.
Any man with a libido would.
My pants are growing tight, and I shuffle uneasily to try and quell the erection growing with a mind of its own. She’s the embodiment of every guy’s wet dream…
“Leo!” She giggles as she throws her arms around me and presses her body to mine for a hug.
Goddamn it, her breasts are plush and full. I can already feel their heaviness in my palms, imagining her nipples are slightly darker than her skin. Are they tight or puffy? How much do they like a greedy mouth suckling on them?
“It’s me, Bianca.” She pulls away and stares at me with a slight frown. “Don’t you recognize me?”
I blink, realizing I stayed as unmoving as a rock when she hugged me.
“You’ve changed.” The words escape in a whisper.
How much of a dumbass will she think of pinme now, stating the obvious like this?
Bianca laughs. The sound is rich and throaty.
Is this how she’ll moan in my arms?
Focus, Leo!
“I’ve grown, yes.”
“I can see that.”
Her eyes grow wide, though a smile’s still lingering on her lips, flirting with one corner more.
How come I never realized she has a slightly crooked smile?
“I can also see you haven’t won that battle.”
I frown. “Hmm?”
“Your bow tie. Still haven’t learned how to make it stick.”
My mind hurtles to a night seven years ago. A star-studded sky. A pier edging out in the dark. A thin figure in white sitting at the edge, silver shoes behind her on the planks, legs dangling over the water’s surface.
She turned to me when a plank creaked under my foot.
“Hey. Come on over.”
I sat down quietly next to her.
“Had enough of the party?” she asked.
“I can’t go another minute wearing this ridiculous bow tie.”
She laughed.