Doesn’t she know this?

Maybe she doesn’t, a little voice whispers in my mind.


As she detaches her forehead from mine, I can feel the distance between us growing as she moves away, and it’s not just physical but also visceral. I can’t let this happen. Bianca needs to know what she means to me. I’d planned the perfect way to impart this notion to her, but time is of the essence now. Plans mean nothing if you stand to lose the person you love by being a stickler to the timeline.

I reach into the back pocket of my jeans, feeling for the little pouch there. It’s a good thing I’m a little paranoid and decided to keep this close to me. It’s not in a small square velvet box as I wanted it to be, but that’s not what counts. The contents, they’re going to speak for me before I even utter any word.

I clutch Bianca’s hand tight, urging her to stay put. Reaching for the pouch in my back pocket, I slide down the bed and land on the floor on one knee, extricating the ring in the process.

Bianca gasps when she sees what I’m holding. It’s a simple palegold band with soft filigree work on two sides surging upward to hold a round-cut diamond taking center-stage on the piece. It belonged to my great-grandmother, who bestowed it to mynonnawhen she married into the family, and it was given to my mother when she became a Pellegrini. When she divorced my dad, he made her return the ring. It had been waiting for me in the family safe, for the day I’d propose to my future wife.

I’d had my grandmother bring it to me yesterday when she visited. My plan was to propose to Bianca at home tonight during dinner, but we’re jumping the gun here. She needs to know what she means to me—whoshe is to me.

“One thing I can promise you, Bianca Bonucci, is that I don’t want to spend one more minute of my life without you by my side. That’s your place, with me. Or actually, that’smyplace, withyou. Because otherwise, I don’t want to be alive. I don’t even exist without you.” When I pause, she gasps, one hand clamped over her mouth. “I’ve been the biggest idiot in the world, Bianca, because I should’ve come to Paris four and a half years ago for the new year when I would’ve had the chance to make you mine without any hurdle or repercussions. I wish I could turn back time, but I can’t, and this here is the next best thing. The future, my future, I want it to be with you.” I stop to take in a deep breath. “Bianca Bonucci, will you please put me out of my self-induced misery and accept to become my wife?”

She laughs against her hand. At least, I think it’s a laugh because it sounded like a snort.

“Bianca?” I ask, a note of worry creeping into my voice.

She drop the hand and looks at me with so much tenderness on her face, I want to fall down and weep at her feet. I don’t deserveall this love she has for me, not after everything I let happen to her. But one thing I vow is that I’ll make every day of the rest of her life the best day she’s ever woken up to.

“Leo,” she murmurs. “Yes. Of course it’s yes. A million times yes!”

I take her left hand and slide the ring on. It fits her slender finger perfectly. Her gaze is still on the diamond catching the light when I get up and tip her chin toward me, stealing a kiss just after.

“Now can we please blow this joint?” I ask her. “I want to take you home.”

Bianca laughs. “Isn’t it the other way round? I’m bringing you to your home?”

“Can we fucking leave?” I hiss, exasperated.

“Yes, we can. I was coming to tell you all your discharge papers have been signed.”

“Thank God.”

As we get up and reach the door, an orderly stops outside in the hallway with an empty wheelchair. It’s hospital protocol for patients getting discharged to be taken out to their car in a wheelchair, but I’m never getting into one of those things. The withering glare I send the man is enough to send him packing.

Bianca and I make our way out of the wing hand in hand. I don’t stop to speak to anyone. I’ll be back in a couple of days to thank them all personally, bringing gifts and something extra couched on a check for those who went above and beyond in caring for me. But right this instant, there’s nothing more I want than to beout of this place.

The elevator takes us directly to the parking garage. Pano spots us the second the doors open, and he’s bringing the car around.

“Good to have you back, Don Pellegrini,” he says with a nod as I enter.

“Good to be back, Pano. Now let’s go home.”

He tips his cap to me, then we’re on our way.

I haven’t been sitting idle in the hospital all this time. Whenever those damn pain meds—no matter how helpful they proved at times—didn’t have me out for the count, I was colluding with my enforcer and also with Mattia to run my business. My brothers have stepped up a bit, but I’m not laying more responsibility on their shoulders yet. Let them be young and enjoy their lives. When the time comes for them to fully step up, there’ll be no going back then. My lot was forced onto me by circumstances; I will protect them from such a fate with all I have, as I will one day do for Enzo and my future children.

Something else I was doing is a surprise for Bianca. I can’t wait to get her to my place so I can show her what’s been happening behind the scenes.

We’re soon entering Yorkville, where the family townhouse is located along 87thStreet. Pano parks in front of the house. I’m out of the car and going to Bianca’s side, but I’m not fast enough. She’s already opened her door and is stepping out on the curb. Damn injuries—I need to get my speed and stamina back to full potential asap.

I take her hand, and we ascend the steps to the front door. Ithrow a quick glance to the basement level at the side. Tristan is living here until he gets a job or decides to go back to college for a masters’ degree. He’s been told to piss off for the night as I need the house empty for just me and Bianca. My grandmother has gone back to her duplex on Park Avenue.

A check of the security panel in the entrance shows me the basement level is locked. Good, my brother’s not here. Even the staff has been given the night off. We’re alone.