Page 3 of Bonbon

“Doctor, you're needed in room four.” She puts on that phony voice that she thinks makes her sound sexy. In reality, she just sounds like she’s out of breath - that the walk down the hall might have worn her out.

“If you’ll excuse me, ladies. I’ll be back in shortly.”

I make my way out of the room and into room four. The room is empty. I turn just in time to see the woman close the door behind her. “I’ve noticed your problem.” She lowers her eyes at my rapidly deflating cock. “I can help you with it real quick. You don’t have to be embarrassed or ashamed.”

“Embarrassed? What the hell would I have to be embarrassed about?” She looks kind of shocked but lowers her eyes and finally notices that my dick isn’t hard anymore. “This isn’t for you. And if you don’t open that door, I’m going to make sure you never work in this profession again.”

She seems utterly shocked at my words. “I just… I thought… you were…”

“Not for you. I couldn’t get it hard if I had a roll of duct tape and popsicle sticks for you. You just took me away from the thing that made me hard, you meddling… woman.”

This time she gasps out in shock. “You mean…the redhead?”

“Yeah, the redhead. Now leave. And not just the room either. Pack your shit and leave the building.” She's been pulling this kind of crap for a week now and it's gone too far.


“You think I’m going to let you keep working for me when you lie about a patient needing me, trap me in a room, and try to suck my dick. Are you stupid?”

A look crosses her face, and I can see the wheels working harder in her head. “Oh please don’t even try that whole blackmail bullshit with me. I swear to God, lady, I will make you rue the day. Keep in mind all the halls have monitors and I’m sure you went out of your way to find an empty room. Not to mention the creeping you’ve been doing. And don’t even get me started on the letter you left on my desk which happens to be in a locked office that you were never supposed to be in. Don’t think there isn’t a camera in there as well.”

There’s not, but she doesn't need to know that. Her eyes widen and reality finally starts to sink in. She’s fucked and not in the way she thought she was going to be when she came to find me. If she hadn’t kept me away from my little cupcake then maybe I wouldn’t have been so angry or so hateful to her. But she did and I am in no mood for her shit right now. Not when I have a cute little redhead waiting on me in room number two.

Chapter Three


I lean my cheek on my hand and drift into another daydream. This one is about the hot optometrist down the street. God, I wish a man like that would be interested in me. I mean I understand why someone like Grayson Weston wouldn’t even look twice at me. I’m naïve, I’m shy, I’m… not at all like the woman who came to get him when he was waiting for the drops to work on Tandy.

She was beautiful and didn’t have crazy red hair like mine that does whatever it wants because it has a mind of its own. I wondered if they had gone to an empty room to have an afternoon love-making session. He looked kind of rumpled or out of sorts when he came back in, but it must have been over really quick because it wasn’t five minutes and he was back in the room with us again.

He's not the right man for me anyway. I mean I’m not going to stop daydreaming about him, but half the town wants to be with him. There is no hope for someone like me when all the other pretty girls are already in line ahead of me. And the last thing I want is to end up just like every other woman. It’s not even that I wouldn’t be his first or last. It would be the fact that I would fall in love and have to hear about all those other women after me who have their first times with him. No, something like that would kill me.

“Why are you back here moping around?” Candy makes me jump like I got caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

“I’m not moping, just dreaming.” I give her a big smile and when she comes closer, I reach out and hug her. I’m a hugger. Some people can’t stand it, but thankfully I have wonderful friends that love it.

“And who might you be dreaming about?”

I lose the smile. Oh Lord, can she tell? If this crush ever came to light, I don’t know what I would do. Well, I do. I would most likely die.

“I just figured with that sweet smile a man must be at the center of it. Is it the guy I introduced you to the other day?”

“Storm? Oh goodness no! He’s yours.” Now it’s her turn to lose her smile.

I have known Storm for some time now. He’s older than me and does a lot of good things for the community. This is a small enough town that everybody really does know everyone, but it never crossed my mind to even think romantically about him. And after I saw him with Candy there’s no way I’m stepping in the way of that. That man is already halfway in love with her if not all the way. It’s Candy that seems to be running from the inevitable.

What would it be like to have someone look at me like that? Would I be scared like Candy, or would I grab it with both hands? I really like to think I would grab it and hold on, but who can tell until it happens? Getting caught by Candy refocuses me enough to have me firmly put any ideas about the new doctor out of my head. I shouldn’t be in the back wasting time while myfriends are out front busting their butts to get this dream of ours up and running.

It’s not until a couple of days go by that I realize how far gone I already am. I come through the back and hear Lolly laughing. Her laugh makes my own face burst into a happy grin. She is just a beam of sunshine that lights everyone’s day up. But the smile melts from my face when I hear the voice of the person she’s laughing with.

“That’s when I get off so, it works out great. I guess I’ll see you then, Lilly.”

It’s Grayson.

And I’m pretty sure he’s flirting with her. He is the reason Lolly gave one of her musical laughs. It sounds like he just made a date with her today after work too.

Well, shoot! I was so hoping… no, it doesn’t matter what I was hoping, and it was stupid to even dream about someone like him. I knew that. I just didn’t listen to myself. Considering my shyness it’s probably for the best. Even if I worked up enough nerve to ask him out, I wouldn’t be able to keep him…or know what to do with him while I had him.