Page 19 of Bonbon

My whole purpose is to make Bonny fall so in love with me and everything I do and give her that she won’t hesitate when I ask her for anything…like being my wife!

I mumble against her sweet pussy but I’m pretty sure she can’t tell what I am saying, “I’m never letting you go.”

Even if she could hear me, she wouldn’t comprehend what I say. She’s lost in the haze of her approaching release. Her back is already arched off the surface of my desk, her hands already sunk into my hair, as she says my name like it’s the only prayer she’s ever known. I suck, lick and nibble my way to her clit and back again so I can tease her tight entrance.

I want to slip my tongue inside so badly, but I also don’t want to hurt her or take her cherry in a fucking office. Not that I don’t plan to make love to her here, just not for the first time. That should be done in the most romantic way possible, maybe some flowers and music. Whatever she wants is what she is going to get.

I lap up the sweet liquid candy she is giving me as she explodes for me. Her body tightens as her legs squeeze up around my shoulders and her nails sink into my scalp. I want to roar over the fact I made her cum, I made her come apart for me! With just my fucking mouth! But I also don’t want anyone else hearing this, the sweet cry of my name before she gasps for breath, the little moans I’m not sure she even realizes she’s making and thelook on her face…I would have to kill someone who saw her like this. This is all for me, all mine!

“Holy shit, Gray!”

She surprises me as she pushes against my mouth and says a naughty word. My little bunny hardly ever curses so when she does it’s the cutest, most shocking thing to hear. And the nickname she gives me has my dick hardening as she shouts it out again. I lick up the middle of her and suck on her clit as she floods my mouth with her candy syrup one more time.

Chapter Seventeen


“Come on, sweet bunny. We’ve got to get you back to the shop before Candy gets here.”

I’m so… stunned I have a hard time acting like we didn’t just do what we did. Grayson doesn’t seem to have a problem with it though. He’s the one who helps me sit up and straighten my clothes, helping me into my jacket like I might have just been visiting to talk gossip with him instead of him making me cum so hard I couldn’t catch my breath afterward. And now he’s pushing me out of his office and through his waiting room.

He walks me to the door just as Candy pulls up. Normally she pulls in the back, but she’s got things in her car that we need to unload for today. As soon as Candy opens her door, he’s gone. Candy looks at me and I try my hardest to control the emotions that rush through me.

“Was that Grayson?” Her brows furrow as she takes me in.

“Oh, um, yeah. He… was keeping me company while I waited for you. Here, let me grab those for you.”

I barely meet her eyes as I dive into the project at hand. I don’t want her to question me about Grayson. Not today. I already have enough anxiety of my own. I don't need her to add to it by constantly seeing me as nothing more than a shy and naïve little girl.

Part of me wonders if maybe… Grayson isn’t as proud of this budding relationship we’ve started. If he was, why would he leave when Candy came around? And if he doesn’t want to be seen with me… what does that mean? Is he embarrassed to be with me? Is it the age difference between us, the fact I’m not as smart as the women he spends his days with? Is it how naïve I am?

Yeah, he called Mom but that doesn’t mean anything. He didn’t know she was going to run her mouth to every person she worked with. Maybe he is someone who likes to leave himself open to play the field. If that’s true, how many other women has he taken to his office and laid out on his table? Or to his bed?

My stomach rolls at the thought of being just one among the many. Mom thought Ann’s daughter hadn’t won but maybe she was wrong. Maybe Grayson is burying his flag with every young woman in town. I push that out of my mind and stay focused, but I think Candy realizes something is wrong.

When Lolly comes in later, I pull her to the side and ask her not to say anything to Candy about me spending the night at Grayson’s in case she hasn't heard about it yet.

“Have you already fucked it up, honey?”

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from collapsing on her and pouring my heart out to someone…but I have to pick up Tandy and don’t want her to know anything has been going on with me.

“I just… yeah.” It’s just easier to go with it being my fault than to try to explain why I don’t want to be with him because I don’t want to share like I’m some selfish child trying to keep a toy allto myself. “I did and I don’t want anyone to know how stupid I’ve been.”

“Oh honey, you aren’t stupid at all. You’re the sweetest, nicest person alive.”

Probably another reason Grayson isn’t just mine. A woman like me just couldn’t keep a man like him content for more than a couple of days - something to switch up all the torrid affairs he’s having. I’m nothing more than a palate cleanser in between his spicy, erotic women.

“I have to go pick Tandy up. I just… I guess I don’t want Candy telling me ‘I told you so’ just yet.”

“It will be our secret, hon.”

She’s such a good friend. My afternoon is spent playing with Tandy and helping her with math. Mom is working a double tonight so she can take time off Saturday so me and Lolly and Candy can have a girls’ night. When my phone rings I ignore the call not really wanting to talk to anyone but mom. When I look at the number, it comes up as Grayson’s. He must have put his number in my phone when he used it to find Mom’s number. I ignore it and eventually put it on silent so it doesn’t bother Tandy so much.

After that, it seems like he started texting me. I eventually give in and write him a short text telling him I’m taking care of Tandy and can’t talk right now and that I would talk to him later. As in never. There is no way I can be ok being his palate cleanser. I don’t think I’m okay sharing either. I’m not really a girl that can do casual where relationships are concerned. I think the best thing to do is just stay busy so telling him I’m too busy for him won’t be a lie and I can keep my distance.

But that’s easier said than done since he is waiting on me again the next morning when I pull in. He looks too good in a sweater that matches the blue of his eyes. Damn it! I pretend like I am about to step out as he comes over to my car.

“Crap, I forgot that thing for Candy.”