Page 16 of Bonbon

I let my fingertips play around the lace edge of her panties before I slip them under the edges. The touch of my bare fingers on her has her arching her back and shouting out my name as the muscles of her pussy start to flutter and pulse around my fingers. I look at her as I play with the bundle of nerves at the top of her cleft swirling my fingertips around and over it as my girl cums so hard her thighs shake a little.

She slumps back on the bed with her eyes closed and her chest rising as she tries to catch her breath. I give her hip a little shake for her to open those green jewel eyes of hers so she can watch me as I bring my fingers to my mouth and put them on my tongue. I can’t help but moan around them as I take my first hit of her. My first of many, many more.

A blush stains her cheeks as her eyes follow my hand as I bring it back to her creamy sugar.

“I need another taste, baby. Just one more. And I need you to hold still while I take it. Do you understand?”

Her brows furrow as she thinks about what I said. “I…Why do I need to be still?”

“Because I want it right from the source, bunny.”

“The source?”

“Damn it!” I can’t explain well enough what I want so instead I find Bonny’s eyes and demand that she stay still. “Don’t move.”

I rip her panties to the side and take my first look at the heaven that is all mine. I’m going to be in that soon. I’m going to let her little sugar pussy take me straight to heaven, but for now,I slide my fingers through the center of her until I come to her tight entrance.

“Grayson! What are you doing?!”

“Don’t move. I’m just going to use my fingers. I won’t hurt you, baby. I won’t ever hurt you.”

I need her to understand I would never do anything to hurt her. It might be a little hard to stay true to that when I take her cherry but, for right now, I want her to understand I’ll find some way to make sure she isn’t hurt when the time comes. I want her to feel safe and protected when she is with me. I want her to want me with the same overwhelming urge I have for her.

I slowly circle the soft, warm entrance before I dip just the barest tip of my finger inside that secret treasure that is just for me. She gasps but doesn’t move a muscle as I explore more of her. She’s such a fucking good girl and so fucking tight I can barely wiggle one finger inside. I bring the digit that was inside of her to my mouth and get hit with something so close to a sugar rush that I can’t fight the sounds coming from me.

“Fuck, shit, god damn. You...” I try to breathe through the flashes of what I want to do to her. To fight the need that rises up inside of me. I can’t let my needs control me. I have to think about her before me. And I’m pretty sure my little bunny isn’t ready for my mouth to be glued to her tight fresh pussy morning, noon, and night.

“Is… is everything okay?”

“Baby, I’m trying to gather my strength, so I don’t bury my face in your soft little pussy up to my fucking ears and eat you until we both have to go to work on Monday.”

Her eyes widen but when I look, I find more interest than shock in her eyes and doesn’t that just make it twice as fucking hard to reel my fucking ass back in and try to be good. She’s killing me and she isn’t even trying.

Chapter Fifteen


I’m not sure how I managed to stay at Grayson’s place for so long after I let him do all the naughty things he did to me. He has such a potty mouth too. Who would have guessed that dirty talk is such a turn-on for me? Well, as long as it comes from Grayson. Any other person and my uterus shrivels up.

And having to do the walk of shame in front of my mom was the icing on the cake of embarrassment I had to eat on Sunday. It also didn’t help that Lolly called me and told me she heard I stayed the night with him from someone in town. Some people might think Grayson said something to someone, bragging or talking shit, but I understand it’s just small towns. People love something to talk about and I guess me and Grayson are their new favorite thing to gossip about which might be a sticking point for him since he probably isn’t used to it.

It doesn’t help that I overheard my own mother talking to someone about us when I came in from playing outside with Tandy before dinner. “Yep, you heard right. She stayed the night.”

At first, I thought she might be talking about someone at the hospital where she works but then she goes on.

“You make sure that snotty, self-centered Ann knows it too. I can’t wait to see her when she finds out her darling little troll isn’t going to get him.”

“Oh my God! Mom!”

“Oh shit, Andy, I got to go.”

She hangs up and turns innocent eyes my way.

“Why, hello dear, I didn’t notice you standing…”

“Mom, tell me you didn’t.” I normally wouldn't interrupt my mom, can I not?

“Didn’t what dear?”