Page 13 of Bonbon

I let it go because there is no way to win when Candy gets something in her head. We secretly call her Hard Candy because she goes at things hard and won’t let up. But I love her. She’s such a wonderful friend. Loyal, kind, protective. And so much more.

I push the thought of Grayson out of my mind for the rest of the day and instead focus on what has to be done to make surewe open on time. We plan a girls’ night for the end of the week so we can talk about what is left to do and celebrate the fact we are so close to opening. It’s exciting but also incredibly scary. It makes me a nervous wreck just thinking about it, so I stop and focus on the now. If I just focus on what I have to do today, maybe I won’t be so overwhelmed.

I ask Lolly to take me over to Grayson’s house after work so I can pick up my car. When we get there, he’s not at home. I shouldn’t wonder what he might be doing or where he spends his free time. I watch as Lolly pulls out once she sees me jump into my car, but I don’t leave right away. Instead, I sit and wonder if I should leave him a note that I was here to grab my car and thank him again for dropping me off so early on his day off.

I grab my bag and start digging in it for a pen and a piece of paper. I’m so intent on finding things to make my note with that I don’t realize Grayson is back before he taps on my window causing me to jump.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” It’s the first words out of his mouth when I roll down my window for him.

“I was just trying to find something to write you a note thanking you for… everything.”

His eyes flash to my backseat, “Do you have to pick Tandy up?”

“No,” I answer him honestly wondering why he asks. I don’t have to wonder for too long.

“You want to have dinner with me again?”

Damn. He’s good. He got me before I even realized I was gotten. Now, if I say no, he’ll think it’s because of something hehas done when in reality I just… don’t know if I can act normal for an entire dinner without someone to focus my attention on other than Grayson. There is no way I can make it through a whole dinner with it just being me and him, but when I look at him, I just can’t seem to tell him no.

Chapter Twelve


How lucky am I? I thought I was going to have to wait the whole weekend before I could find a way to work it out so I could have more time with Bonny. And then I pull in to find her sitting in her car in my driveway rooting around in her bag.

Now she’s in my house, in my kitchen, cooking with me again. But this time Tandy isn’t here so I have her all to myself. Not that I look at Tandy as a competitor for Bonny’s affections or as anything other than a cute kid who is a sweet girl… but this also means I don’t have to worry about touching her the way I want to either.

She helps me carry the bags of groceries into the house and I brush against her making her jump. Her cheeks light up with a blush as my eyes take all of her in, not having to hide the fact I am looking. Her sweater is a soft green color that highlights her eyes. It clings to her breasts as she moves and occasionally falls off one shoulder.

I place my hand on her bare shoulder wanting to touch the soft skin for just a second, doing it in the guise of putting something away on a higher shelf as I come up behind her. I wasn’t expecting her to step back into me.

“Oh!” the little yelp of surprise has my hand lowering so I can steady her. “Oh!” Her head snaps around so I can look into her wide eyes and her plump lips form the perfect ‘O’.

This time it takes me a little longer to realize when my hand landed on her hip to steady her, I unconsciously pulled her back even further into me and now she can feel just exactly what she does to me. The look of utter shock and a little amazement on her face is all because my dick is brushing against her bottom. She helps nothing by wiggling it against me and causing a moan to leave my mouth.

“Oh my God! It is…that is you!”

“Yep, that’s me, bunny.” She wiggles against me again. “It doesn’t really help it go down when you are brushing against it, darlin’.”

“Oh! Oh shit!” She slaps her hand over her mouth as her cheeks turn bright pink. “I… I said a bad word. And I was…I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, bunny.” I lean down and drop a kiss on her bare shoulder. “No one’s here to hear you swear and I think it’s cute as fuck. And as for you rubbing against me…,” I whisper close to her ear before nipping it with my teeth, “I liked that a whole lot, sweetheart.”

She shivers in my arms before I give her one more quick squeeze and let her go. I want her to be comfortable around me. My hope is one day this will be our whole routine. Cooking together, touching one another with secret little caresses, giving each other hot glances as we laugh and talk and just live life together. I couldn’t say that was me before my sweet Bunny came into my life but now it’s all I can think about, all I want.

We fall into a comfortable tango of kitchen work when I catch Bonny out of the corner of my eye trying to grab something much higher than her reach. “Let me do that for you, Bunny.”

“Oh, um, okay.” Instead of letting her move out of the way I come up behind her again and reach around her. “Oh, you meant…” I take the bag of sugar down from the shelf she was trying to reach and hand it to her with one hand while wrapping the other one around her. I lean down to drop a kiss on the side of her neck causing her to gasp and jostle the bag. I turn her head so I can take her mouth and everything else just fades away. I turn the rest of her body so I can hold her properly against me and have easier access to her sweet mouth. This time when I lick inside, she meets me caress for caress. Her arms come up around me and before I can stop myself, I’m lifting her so she can wrap her legs around my waist.

I find a wall to lean her against so I can run my hand up her body and gently cup the soft weight of her tit. When she gasps, I take our kiss deeper as my hand explores her curves. “Got to stop. God damn, you taste fucking amazing!”

I line my dick, which has been in a state of constant hardness since she stepped out of her car, up with the center of her body. My mouth drops to her neck and the space just under her ear where she is even sweeter. If she is this sweet here, I can’t imagine how damned sweet her pussy is going to be. It must be like a little sugar-coated…well, bonbon.

Just thinking about it has me thrusting against her causing her to let out a little cry.

“Oh my God!” Her head falls back offering up even more of her sweetness.

“Fuck!” How am I ever supposed to stop? Especially when her fingers are sinking into me and she’s pulling me into her. I try to catch my breath by lying my forehead against hers, but she tearsthrough my willpower when she leans forward and places her lips shyly against mine. She's kissing me this time!