Night looked at Antoine, and then Sera where she nestled close to her mate, her hand closed protectively over Helena’s head as she clutched the baby to her chest.
Snow was right. Night needed to get the rest of them away from the theatre. It was the only way to protect them. He had already contacted Bastian about sending the jet so everyone could leave the theatre and go to various safe houses across Europe, a plan he had been putting together with Antoine, before Grave had shown up. Maybe everyone could reach the airport and take it in turns to use it? It wasn’t large enough to evacuate everyone at once, but they could probably get everyone to safety in two trips. One if Antoine got the theatre’s private jet ready too.
“Take the females and children, Antoine. It is your duty to protect them now.” Grave held the demon prince’s gaze as he circled him. “Payne… you can teleport. Take them all somewhere remote. Somewhere safe.”
The demon’s glowing gaze slowly inched towards Payne, and Night readied himself. If the demon tried to target him, Night would protect him. Grave was right. Payne could teleport everyone to safety. That would be far quicker and safer than driving across London to the airport and waiting for the jet.
“The cabin,” Payne said and Snow grunted in agreement as he launched at the demon.
Night tuned the battle out as he focused on his task. “We have to get the most vulnerable out first. Are you the only one in the theatre who can teleport?”
He growled as Aurora left the group, joining the battle, and wanted to make her come back. He reined in that need. Aurora was powerful, more than strong enough to battle a demon and win. It was better she fought with his brother and the others. With her on their side, they could turn the tide of the battle in their favour.
He looked at Payne again. “Well? Are you the only one here who can teleport?”
“I will help,” an unfamiliar female voice put in as she pushed through the crowd, laced with a Russian accent and a slightly disappointed edge that didn’t quite dampen the teasing lightness of it when she continued, “Although, helping out the incupire isn’t normally my style… so you know I still hate you, and I’m just doing this to keep me in the lead on the ‘who’s awesomest’ scoreboard, right?”
Payne chuckled, the sound out of place in the thick night air. “I still hate you too, succubus, but this time you’re going down.”
Night stared at the newcomer. A succubus. She certainly looked the part in her black leather corset and mini-skirt and thigh-high stiletto boots.
She fluffed her black bob, the blue that ringed her pupils in her dark eyes growing brighter. “I like going down… but I also really hate missing a good fight, so let’s make this quick and then we can come back and kick arse. Race you!”
The female grabbed hold of Antoine, and he, Sera, and Helena disappeared with her.
Payne muttered something and seized hold of Night and Lilian, and darkness swallowed them.
“Not the plan,” Night growled as they landed in the deep snow outside a small cabin at the edge of a frigid, desolate valley surrounded by towering, jagged mountains. “You were meant to take those most in danger first.”
“I’m not dumb,” Payne shot back. “Grave wanted you out of there and I’m not about to argue with a vampire whose nickname is the King of Death. I like being alive.”
The half-breed squared up to him.
Night bared his fangs. “Take me back. Leave Lilian here, but take me back.”
“No.” Lilian tightened her grip on his arm. “Take us both back. I can help. I’m a witch. I know spells that can slow the demon down or weaken him.”
“Listen, lady, taking you back is the same as taking Night back. A death sentence. I get you want to fight. I want to fight too. We all do. Look at us.” Payne nodded towards the others.
Night looked at Antoine and found him staring across the valley, fear etched on his features as he looked south, towards London.
“After Grave and Snow, you were the two priorities on that demon’s list. He would have targeted you to weaken them. Grave and Snow both needed you and Antoine away from there.” Payne’s tone was soft, but Night still growled at him, because he knew that.
He knew Payne had done the right thing, that staying in London would have made him a distraction that might have gotten his brother or cousin killed, but it didn’t mean he liked it.
Payne clapped a hand down on his shoulder, squeezed it as he gave him a sympathetic look, and then disappeared.
And all Night could do was wait.
And pray.
Hoping his brother and the others survived.
Chapter 26
Lilian stifled a yawn, hiding it from Night. He had been nagging her to rest since she had finished helping Elissa with the spell that had made Isla corporeal again, and in turn had made his brother solid once more. She put his sour mood down to the fact Grave and the others had dealt with the demon prince without his help, and she could understand why it had upset him. He wanted Grave to rely on him, to see him as someone strong who could help him, and Grave insisted on protecting him.
While she was thankful the King of Death had a deeply protective streak when it came to Night, she also wished the vampire had at least given Night something he could do. The fact that Aurora had been sent by Snow to snatch Lilian and Elissa from the cabin because they had been needed really hadn’t helped matters.