“Wait,” she barked and her gaze darted up to him. “I’ll help you too. I can work from the inside of Archangel and keep an eye on things there. I can cover for you.”
Archer looked as if he didn’t want to agree to that, and neither did Fenix, but he knew better than to argue with his mate. Apparently, Archer knew better too. He nodded, stooped and pressed a kiss to her brow, one that had Fenix wanting to punch him.
He didn’t get the chance.
Violet sparks swirled around Archer and he was gone.
“Have fun now. We’ll give you a couple of days before we drop everything from Norway off and start to work on it. Enjoy your post-curse honeymoon!” Rosalind grinned salaciously and disappeared with her mate.
Fenix scowled at the spot where they had been, wishing everyone would stop talking about him and Evelyn getting physical because he was hungry as hell after all the teleporting and fighting. He didn’t need them stoking his hunger by making him think of laying his mate down and making love with her.
He glanced at her, got caught in her soft look and stared into her eyes.
The guilt returned, a replay of what he had done to her tormenting him. He had been furious with Archer for wanting to kill her and in the end, he had been the one to plunge a blade into her heart.
He opened his mouth, but she pressed her finger to his lip, silencing him.
“No more apologising.” Her soft look bewitched him, had him melting a little as she gazed at him with so much love that he felt as if he was drowning in it. She smiled slightly. “You did what you needed to do… and part of me… I wanted to die.”
“Don’t say things like that,” he croaked, his heart aching even when he knew what she was trying to say. It wasn’t that she had a death wish, it was that she hadn’t been able to stop the shift and she had been afraid of what would happen, had that image of Norway in her head and had imagined she would destroy the entire area and everyone in it.
She snuggled closer to him, chasing away his hurt and his fears, the feel of her pressing against him like heaven to him as he wrapped his arms around her.
“Do you remember anything about your past lives?” he murmured as he pressed a kiss to her brow.
“No,” she whispered and angled her head back so she could look up at his face. “Does that bother you?”
He shook his head and feathered his fingers across her cheek, warming from head to toe as he looked at her. “I love you as you are now. I don’t want the old you back.”
She smiled and leaned towards him, bringing her mouth closer to his.
A small gasp left her lips and she tensed.
“What’s wrong?” He eased back and looked down at her face.
Her very flushed face.
Her wide eyes locked with his.
“Nothing.” She was quick to say that.
He slowly smiled as her needs ran into him through their bond, and knew the moment his eyes had changed, swirling gold and blue with a need to satisfy his mate, because her gaze grew hooded and dropped to his lips.
“I just realised which type of phoenix I am,” she murmured and claimed his mouth, capturing his lips in a fierce, wild kiss that tore a groan from him.
He had always hated it whenever he had watched his mate die, even in the years before they had been cursed, but he had always loved her resurrection.
His incubus side purred in approval as she gripped his nape and bent him to her will.
He swept them into a teleport that landed them in his bedroom in Scotland. She didn’t miss a beat, shirked the coat from her shoulders and pressed against him, pushing him down onto the wooden floor at the foot of the bed.
He groaned as she tore at his clothes, short claws making fast work of ripping them away, and arched to meet her lips as she dropped her head and brushed them across his bare chest. Gods. He tangled his fingers in her tousled blonde hair, fisting it to hold her mouth to him and not missing how the markings that tracked up the underside of his forearm and snaked over his shoulder shone in hues of passion and love.
And need.
He had never needed his mate as badly as he needed her right that moment.
He couldn’t breathe as she swept her lips over his flesh, the caress teasing and maddening, driving him to the edge. Every instinct inside him was at war, his need to feed and draw energy from her fighting the urge to make this about his love for her instead by holding that part of himself back. Another moan leaked from him as she trailed her lips downwards, following the valley between his abdominals, and her palms pressed to his pectorals.