Page 109 of Scarred Queen

“I told him his time was up and I was letting him go, and he lunged for the wheel. I got it back, but then we hydroplaned.”

“When did you shoot him?” Dom asks.

I stiffen. “So he was shot?”

“Only in the arm,” Dominik assures me. “He was conscious and blubbering away when I handed him over to Valentin.”

“Where is he now?”

“Some hospital out of state. I didn’t want anyone connecting the dots between the two of you. Plus, getting him out of state was the goal, right? I figured all of this shouldn’t be for nothing.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief. “He’s alive, then?”

Dominik scoffs, looking down at his phone like he’s expecting a call. “The bullet barely grazed him. I’m sure he’s fine.”

“But you don’t know?” I stand up, the room spinning for only a second before everything solidifies. “What are you not telling me?”

“Valentin should have checked in by now,” Dominik admits, flashing his phone at me. “I dispatched Lenin an hour ago to check on things, but still no word.”

I grab the fresh shirt that Gedeon throws my way. “Something is wrong. Valentin never misses a check-in.”

And Jasper is crazed. Desperate.

“Do you really think Jasper would…?” Gedeon’s voice trails off as he glances from Dom to me.

We all know the answer to that. Right now, there’s nothing he wouldn’t do.

“Fuck,” Dom mutters, clearly frustrated with himself. “Of course he would! Jasper is nothing but a rat that feeds off others in order to survive. I told Valentin not to let themudakout of his?—”

The sharp blast of his phone interrupts his speech. Dominik fumbles to answer it and transfers the call to the speaker.

“Lenin,” he barks, “did you locate Valentin?”

“He’s dead,” I hear him say through the phone. Dominik goes pale as Lenin continues. “Found him with his brains blown out in the woods, about a hundred meters from the main road.”

“No…” Dominik breathes.

I grab the phone from Dom’s hand. “Any sign of Jasper?”

“No, sir. Not a trace. We scoured the woods. There was a blood trail for a bit, but it tapered off. The man’s dust in the wind.”

Lenin is dead because of me. Because I gave Jasper one too many chances.

I won’t make that mistake again.

“Set up a manhunt for Jasper. I want him back—dead or alive.”

By the time I get home, it’s been a full day since the crash. Since the dinner. I’ve identified a body, passed the news to Valentin’s family. I’ve come face to face with my failure and done my best to make my peace with it.

But as I walk the still, quiet halls of my home, what I can’t unsee is my totaled car. I can’t even blink without seeing Nina’s car seat crushed to a pulp in the back.

They could have been with me.

The brakes were cut, and Laila and Nina could have been in the car with me. They would’ve been, if Jasper hadn’t thrown his fit.

I try to find some comfort in the silence—in the knowledge that my wife and daughter are upstairs somewhere, sleeping peacefully in their beds—but the threat isn’t gone.

For now, Laila and Nina are safe. But I’ve just unleashed a wild card out into the world. One with a motive and a reason to hate me.